The proper introduction

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Haseena's POV:

When Karu came back from the washroom, I ran towards the washroom, not looking into her eyes directly cause she reads my eyes & will know about my surprise for her too. While standing under the shower I was running in my head the whole scenario again & again & again. Karishma just let me do the whole thing in my way, the way I was describing it to her. She collided with me, she moved with me in synchronisation, she let me feel her heartbeat which I felt was saying my name. She let me be inside her, she didn't even ask for more, she made me feel so comfortable even when I was confused about what to do next & then I forgot to thank her. I only remembered that she was laughing at me for coming. How stupid it was of me. She's my Queen & I should make her feel like that every single day.
Should I give her the ring now or after breakfast?

Then my eyes moved on the pile of our clothes from yesterday & today. Looking at the bathrobe I remembered,
When she was contracting, she clenched my back & dug her nails at my shoulder, then I found her nail marks also on the side of my waist, I think she likes that place, she always held me by the waist. Which part of my body does she like the most? The shoulder, or the waist, or my fingers or my.....
Okay I should stop my thinking there.

Then that scenario again came in front of my eyes, where she closed her eyes, parted her lips, I was thrusting vigorously, her core was contracting against my hand, drops of sweats were forming on her neck and temple & her neck muscles were contracting too, it became so prominent, the 'sternocleidomastoid' that I wished to suck her neck & then bite her there harshly but I resisted my temptation.
Then her abdomen. I wanted to run my hands there & kiss her over & over near her naval region , near her umbilicus, bite her there, I wanted to mark her as mine, as she had done by her nails.

Then i felt ashamed at my own thoughts, Ain't I the shy person anymore or am I changing because of her?

I kissed her bare skin near her shoulder earlier, just above her breasts & in between the valleys. And when she was fondling my breasts with her hands....! I became aggressive for a few minutes, I felt like I would make her cum a thousand times that night, in various unholy ways ! Make her breathless & lifeless at the same time. But I didn't bite her. I calmed myself. Feeling so aggressive towards my wife- who's my life also is not a healthy thought for any of us. But as far as I remember I sucked her right breast a few times at last night, before we came together but when she put her finger inside my mouth, I started sucking it & at the same time she was doing magic on my breasts with her other hand while rubbing our cores together.... it was insane !!
I absent mindedly pressed my own breast with my hand mesmerized by the memories but then I realized, all it was like animals, indulged in thirst! It's not graceful. But the love making from this morning was the best above all, above everything.
So all those thoughts came from my wish to mark her by love bites actually. No I don't think I'm gonna do it. It's animalistic! & i won't be rough with my karishma, She's my Queen & should be cherished! After the shower I came & put our washed clothes in the dryer.

Oh... I forgot to introduce myself. I'm DR. Haseena Malik; a software engineer & a cyber specialist, currently working for the Delhi branch of CID. Oh! Forgot to mention, I'm DR because of my PhD on AI; not because I'm some medical person. But yes, I love human anatomy & I read it at my leisure. During the last few years after working with CID, I got to realise that there are very few people left in this world with a pure heart & my karu is one of them. She's so transperent !
My house, it's a big govt quarter, I have 1 robot helping hand, which I created, named Bob & a cat named 'Miku', but no other human in this house, as I have grown trust issues on humans over these years. Karishma is the only one, whom I'm allowing to live with after 4 years.

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