Flame of desire

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This chapter contains extreme graphic contents. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings as I also respect these characters way too much that's why I'm writing my story on them; but a mature story always has mature contents at some point. So, read at your own risk.

Writer's POV:

Between my life & my heart,
Thing were happening
Slowly, slowly
Made me recall everything!

You arouse me with your touch,
Although I cannot see your hands.
You've kissed me with tenderness,
Although I haven't seen your lips.
You're hidden from me
But it is you who keeps me alive !


Haseena's POV:

I sat on my knees in front of Karu &wrote something at her waist. Then turned her towards the mirror.

Me: Now, read this.

Karu read it loudly,

"If I have to tell a lie,
I would say, "you're mine"
& If I have to tell the truth,
I would say, "I'm yours"

What does that mean?

In my reply I kissed at her waist & said, "Karu, look into my eyes! Can you read my feelings?"

Karu: They're getting darker with time like the cloud before the storm!

Me: Karu, you're not in any kind of pain right?

Karu: No, I'm fine now.

Me: Are you feeling dizzy or tired or sleepy?

Karu: No !

Then I stood up, back-hugged her & whispered in her ears, "Are you on your period?"

Karu: No, why?

I was still hugging her from back & looking into her eyes via the mirror. I nuzzled my nose into her shoulder to inhale her scent & then murmured over her skin,

"Because right now I'm so aroused, so indulged in you that even if I start a kiss, I might reach the highest point!

I continued, "I mean I want to take you right here, right now? Would you allow me to do that?"

Karu's breathing became rugged & her pupils got dilated.

Karu: You know, I want this too Hasee. But let me clear one thing. It's not for me feeling good by an orgasm, right? You want this too, right?

Because I want to unfold my each imperfection in front of you !
& I want to see your scars too...!
I want to surrender in front of you
& witness how you love all the unlovable portions of me ..
###Mature content alert###

Me: It's because we're burning by our desires right now. You can see it in my eyes & I can see it in yours!

Karu turned around, bit my left earlobe lightly & whispered, "take me to bed, Hasee"

I took her in my arms & moved towards the bed with her body tangled with mine. Her legs were hugging my waist for support. She had become much lighter.

With much care, very slowly I landed her on bed & hovered over her & kissed her. It was a slow & passionate kiss. She was pulling me towards her.
In her mouth I murmured, "we can continue this as long as you want, babe!"

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