The murder mystery (continue)

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Writer's POV:

What do you think about positivity & happiness? Are those the same?
Haseena Malik was madly in love with Karishma that she chose 'karishma's happiness over everything'; with this fact she tries to justify her attitude of not sharing her own miseries, when inside her head she also knows that whatever she's doing is indictable cause she had promised Karishma to share her life with her which includes both the sides of the coin.

Her thoughts broke at Santosh Sharma's voice who just greeted her Good morning!

HM: Good morning Santosh!

KS: Santu did you check all the missing reports?

SS: Karishma Madam I was about to go now By Dr. PJ called us all at the forensic lab.

KS: ok, let's go Santu. Please excuse us DR Malik.

On the way to the lab while walking, SS said to KS, "is it just me or is Dr. Malik looking very fresh today? She's in a really good mood alone, I've just seen her smiling all alone. Btw Karishma Madam You're also looking very fresh today, I mean I usually see you in 'sleep deprivation face' but today you're glowing.

HM then turned towards them from her cabin door & said, "Santosh"

"Yes Madam?" SS asked

HM: "The glowing is due to the effect of Endorphin! You can ask Dr.PJ what's that or Karishma, aap inhe zara samjhe dijiyega, thik hai?"

KS starts to blush at that. She explained to SS that half of HM's talkies go above her head.
At the lab

Dr.PJ said another shocking thing. She said the killer had not only removed the brain but also the whole spinal cord with it & from the spinal canal Dr.PJ removed one rolled piece of paper, but there was no writing in it. It was a plain piece of paper.

Dr.PJ: I told you the killer himself/herself is a surgeon also!

At that time Haseena and Cheetah entered the lab.
HM then said, "I examined the CC camera thoroughly & was able to take the last footage after repairing the circuit. Got the picture of the person who broke the camera" & showed the photo to us. A man wearing a black monkay cap, he's very lean & thin, his face was not showing & due to his much proximity towards the camera his exact hight also couldn't be measured. He wore sunglasses over the monkey cap to hise face.

HM said, "The sky is much bright here, so the camera was not broken at night ki due to the storm."

SS: "that means it was broken on yesterday at early morning, just before they planned to throw the body"

HM: "No, it was broken on the the day before yesterday at evening time. Look at the sunrays, they're coming from the west, that means, it's evening."

KS: The man in this photo looked malnourished, then if he's poor & malnourished why didn't he took the money, ring & watch from the victim? Cause he's not the killer. He was just a random guy to whom lot's if money was offered for this job, to break the camera.
Dr. PJ can you please tell when the murder was done?

Dr.PJ: the killer removed the brain & the cord from the living body which is quite brutal !! During the process of removal he died due to cardiac arrest either from pain or from fear! Stress hormone levels in his blood are high.

HM: Did the killer gave any anaesthesia?

Dr.PJ: He cut his head, broke the skull bone & removed the brain under local anaesthesia only which is very ferocious & then when he died, the killer had removed the spinal cord from the spine. But yeah the killer might have given him any kind of pleasure, due to which his endogenous OPoids, I mean natural pain killers produced in the body named ENDORPHIN A & Dinorphin level are slightly increased.

SS: wait 'Endorphin' ! Weren't You talking about it on this morning Haseena Ma'am related to You & Karishma Madam?

Dr PJ: 😳😳 !?!?

Karishma got a little bit afraid, but then Haseena said so swiftly, "Yeah, I was very sick yesterday, My migraine attacks! When Karishma came home she took good care of me & this morning we had an incredibly good session... I mean breakfast session which made us both very happy so obviously our endorphins also released that's why we both are feeling good which is reflecting in our face. Isn't my explanation right, Dr. Pushpaji?"

Dr.PJ: Yes, Karishma Singh is a very caring & good girl that's why I like her for my lalla. Karishma maan jaiye na please? Aur ajaiye hamare ghar!

HM: Yes, she would be a very good & caring wife Pushpaji I can guarantee that, by the way she takes care of me !!

KS: hogaya saab logo ka. Jab dekho taab shadi ki baat karte rehte hai aap saab. Dr. PJ hume aapke Lalla mein koi interest nehi hai, thank You, Aap Santu ko le jaiye ghar mein"

Santu & Cheetah in unison: NEHIIIIII !

At that Santu's phone rang, it was a call from a mearby thana.

SS: Madam, a missing file was reported for a man who's 5'10" & named Dr. Krishna Das. He's known as Dr. K. Das, who's a renown neuro surgeon & worked at the famous corporate hospital named 'X'

KS: This report must be for this man, Santu, Cheetah let's go the hospital for further investigation. Thanks Dr. Pushpa & DR. Malik

Dr.PJ: Ruko zaara, yeh dekho !

Dr.PJ used some chemicals on that rolled piece of paper, & now there is a line visualised with a very nice handwriting, which showed up



That's all for today. If you liked my story please like & comment. All of your suggestions will be prioritized. As it's my first story here in wattpad please ignore my mistakes including the 'typing mistakes'

** Please let me know if you people feel annoyed while reading too many medical terms in my story? If then I would try to write in easier terms**

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