Lovers in chaos

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Karishma's POV:

Sleep was far away from my eyes. I was feeling guilty lying with my Hasee but I don't even know why I asked Bob that question? & It was just a reflex question out of curiosity. Is it so wrong for a detective to think about murder? But the thing is not that, it's that, I had done the same thing, which she had done two days back.
I lied & I hid! Hiding for the sake of love, but there's something wrong in this whole process. I think we both are doing something wrong in the process of this companionship. Loving is not always everything. The problem we had was loving the other one way too much to share our insecurities, our pain with them just not to worry them. We didn't even have any trust issues but what I have today & I'm damn sure, Hasee had heard that, it will make issues bigger between if we didn't solve it now.

Where is she? Still now in her study room? Is she sleeping there? Is there any bed? I don't even know, as she had never allowed me there. I was trying to get up from bed but due to muscle pulling, tiredness, & the effect of the sleeping pill, I couldn't get out of the bed. I didn't even know when I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was 4 o'clock. Hasee must be awakened as it's near her prayer time. I'm feeling physically better now as the pain med & muscle relaxant worked well. So I went to check on her this time.

She's not in her study room, as the room is locked from outside & no lights on. Where can she be at this hour? I went downstairs. I guessed it right, I can see her in my previous room.

    ******FLASHBACK STARTS*******

Oh, I forgot to mention about this room. I used to live in this room, large enough for one person; from the day I shifted here to the day before our marriage; which is one floor below our current bedroom. It has a large sliding window, Hasee had changed the ordinary window to this large sliding one to have a better view of me during my COVID days. I still remember the day when I was going to be senseless, & my Hasee came to this room breaking all the rules of isolation, gave me CPR with mouth to mouth breathing, when I was in the most contagious stage without worrying about herself.... Her last words before I lost my sense was,

"Wake up Karu! You cannot leave me like this! I love You a lot, I wanna marry you, I wanna wake up with you in my arms.  We have a long way to go, you cannot leave me in the middle of this crisis all alone, wake up!"

I could hear her, that time. But couldn't respond, or even open my eyes to see her.

********FLASHBACK ENDS**********

I still had the key of this room, with the help of which I opened the door & saw my Hasee sleeping wrapping my blanket around & clenching the edge of the blank which is a clear remark of her missing me! I stepped closer, sit beside her bed, & started caressing her hair with my right hand. The dried tear marks in her was visible even in the dim light. She held my hand & put it under her cheek like she always does.

I called her, "Hasee, uthiye, it's your prayer time"

She slowly opened her eyes & was very happy to see me around, as if I was her morning sun. She was trying to say something but I stopped her by putting my finger on her lips & said,
"Baad mein, pehle namaz parne jaana chahiye aapko, you're getting late already."

She came back to this room after her prayer & asked, "Wanna go upstairs?"

I nodded negatively & called her to come near & when she came near & sat beside me, I went to her lap, hugged her tightly but she didn't responded.

I asked, "Hasee?"

Hasee: "Hmm?"

Her face bent over me, with her right ear touching my shoulder.

Me: I had done two mistakes, firstly I asked Bob, does he know how to do a murder & second is that I lied to you about the matter & I know that you know it all & it's bothering you. I'm sorry. I don't even know why I had said that! It was a random lame question.

Hasee: it's okay, Karu! I was over-reacting. Processing it was bitter than hemlock that I behaved like this with you. I'm sorry Karu! For a while I forgot that You're my Queen!
Btw, can I hug you back?

Me: Is it even a ques? Yes, you can & you must, hug me very tightly. I missed being in your arms.

After a decade we broke the hug & she asked about my neck muscle pulling.

Me: Hasee, if I lay here, would you lie with me, & just forget the world?

Hasee: No! I mean yes! But let me show you something first

& She ran from the room & came back with a medium sized white paper box & gave it to me.

Hasee: I wanna say something before you open it. When I asked you to drop me, I had a meeting.... With Samsung!! & They ......

Me: & they?

Hasee: They approved my app, now it'll be launched under them & they had given a huge amount of signing money!
Now open it?

Me: you're such a stupid! Such a good news & you're informing me, after a decade!!
When I opened the box I was so happy to see the mugs that I got speechless!
Me: Wow Hasee! From now on we would drink coffee in it & also green tea, even water!

Hasee: I'm sorry for today, for over-reacting & for being angry for no reason. It won't happen next time.

Me: Yeah, you should be! You didn't even respond seeing me in a bathrobe with nothing inside. Just kidding!
Let's promise Hasee, this was the first & the last. We will never hide anything & will never lie on anything to each other.

Hasee: Promise!

Me: Promise touching my head!

Hasee cupped my face kissed on my forehead & said, "Promise.....
& about the bathrobe, I can still respond but it's not the proper time as you have muscle pulling, moreover this bed is not comfy"

Me: OMG! My hasee is getting naughty!

Hasee came forward, gave a light peck on my lips & said, "I love you more & more everyday. Now just lay here & I'm gonna hold you from back"

I was blushing! We lay down on bed in her proposed position with her behind my back, holding me tightly & her lips on my neck.
Then I asked her, "Do you remember this photo you had printed?

Hasee: of course! It was taken by Santosh, just after our second kiss, & we were about to get caught but that innocent girl actually couldn't understand anything, moreover she took this cute picture of us.

Me: & about our first kiss?

Hasee: I know that was painful memory for you & I don't know still don't know you had forgave me for that, but let me, confess one thing today,

It was the moment, when I realized that; I don't like kissing boys or kissing girls. I'm not that kind. But it's that, I only like to kiss this particular one girl !

Me: what! Then why did you refused me?


That's all for today. Do you wanna know about their first kiss? Their love story? Or the murder related investigations? Which one you wanna know earlier please let me know. & If you like the story please like & comment

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