To whom I belong

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Writer's POV:

People used to sleep to see dreams, but for Karishma it was the opposite. Her dreams lead her towards sleep. Isn't that true? To live with Haseena is like a dream come true situation for her. How can anyone be so lucky to live with their loved ones, sleep with a glimpse of them & wake up with a vision of them. Besides she's the priority of her priority. The feeling of indulging in Haseena is tender & soothing at the same time.

Haseena's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes at the alarm of my phone for the prayer of Fazar. I was feeling refreshed after the good sleep & the injection at the hospital was really fruitful. Thanks to karishma for taking me to the hospital.
Though it was quite dark in the room but I could see my love clearly, she was in REM sleep, I guess dreaming about something, her eyeballs were moving beneath the eyelids. It meant that, she slept lately, she was awakened for a long time after I slept & now also facing difficulty while sleeping. I should have hugged her to get rid of her evil thoughts distracting her. I placed my right hand on her cheek & then combed her hair with my fingers, then she became a bit relaxed, as her eyes stopped that movement. Then I went to my prayer room. I went to check on Miku after my prayer, cleaned her stuff & then came back to my room. I laid down beside her for more sleep, this time I gave feathery light kisses on her lips then on her cheek & forehead went behind her to hold her as she's my little spoon. How easily we fit together like 'LEGO' like we are meant to be together in every way. I guess she also felt good in my warmth cause I noticed her smile while asleep. I was holding her waist, my face was over her shoulder & my nose was at the crook of her neck, indulging in her scent. She moved my hand from her waist to her chest & now I can feel her heart beat very clearly which was slow now as she was sleeping.
I never thought I would be this much lucky to get someone like her, so caring about someone like me, who had always chosen to be alone. Loving a boy or a girl was never an issue for me, rather than 'LOVE' itself was the issue. I used to believe these affectionate bondage & fondness are the emotions that made us weak, so I used to run from them. As I've been alone for a long time, after losing my sister, she used to be my source of happiness when I was very small, she was 6 years older than me. We lost our parents in a car accident, which I don't remember as I was very small then. From then my sister became my world, never thought that I would lose her. After that I stopped making attachments, cause when they leave us, they take a part of ourselves with themselves & we become numb.
It's not that I don't have relatives, I have my maternal & paternal Uncle, aunts & cousins, they live in Lukhnow, call me on every Eid & other festival but I never felt any attachments towards them. When I was in Wales, during my PhD days, I met so many people, from that time I started analysing human behaviour. I had random classmates there with whom I used to hangout sometimes but no friends. Oh I forgot to mention, I used to live in Wales; UK for 5 years & thought to settle there but then destiny brought me back! But it was good, otherwise how could I met my love, my life, to whom I belong.

When I joined CID, I didn't make any close friends as per assumption of 'friendship makes us weak'. But I used to talk with everybody, though very little. It's not that I didn't want to talk but I always run out of words... I only had one true friend, Karishma ! I shouldn't say had but 'have', marriage doesn't change the fact that she's still my best friend & yet I'm not being able to create transparency with her & moreover this 'NEED of her every now & then' is engulfing me, both emotionally & physically. I'm kind of pissed off at myself for this feeling cause I haven't properly explored this side of myself; when I used to think, I know myself better! No, seriously why I'm always feeling the urge to touch her, to kiss her, to make love to her...!! I'm pulling her legs saying 'fifty shades' but the truth is that I was on the same track.

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