Passion growing in the 'Nerdy bean'

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Writer's POV:

After having breakfast, HM asked KS to sit on the sofa, and sit in front of her bending on her knees & gave KS a beautiful ring with a large solitaire in it. KS remembered the day at shopping when she was asking for it's price as she liked it.

KS: Hasee, yeh to bohot mehenga hai

HM: Aapse zyada nehi, wife! Karu, ek request hai, You have said earlier, I'm your Angel, flung out of the space, please don't let me fall from you, I would die for sure then"

KS: You are again trembling! Why are you so serious all the time, you are allowed to lose control sometimes.
About that dialogue 'flung out of space' it's from the movie 'Carol', one of my favourite movies starring your crush Cate Blanchett! You should watch it someday or even today, let's search it on netflix, sit beside me on the sofa & put the ring in my ring finger.

When HM sat on the sofa, Karu cupped her face all of a sudden & started kissing her like there's no tomorrow, she again sat on HM's lap while kissing, they only separated when air became insufficient for them.

Then KS said,
"Look into my eyes, why are you becoming insecure, whatever may happen & if anyone has to fall, I'll always be the one to take the fall, cause hurting is easy with you. We took the vow, according to both of our religions, we are married now & only my death will separate us; not even your death before me, it will not be able to separate us cause then I'll take my life. I have already lived 28 years without you, living without you makes no sense now.

HM: excuse me! Which 28 years? Oh... Okay! It's funny that, you are counting from birth!

KS: what's funny Hasee, if I met you when I was 1 year & you would be of 3 or 4 years, I would cry out to my parents for marrying you, & then I'll sit in your lap all day long! How cute would that be?

HM: how creepy or should I say TOPA would that be!

HM then handed the antiseptic ointment on KS's hand, & tried to put down her own shirt's collar backwards, after unbuttoning the upper few buttons.

KS: You wanna do it again? Now? At the couch? & What's the role of antiseptic here?

HM: ohho Karu, let me speak first. Can you put the ointment on my shoulder? where you dragged your nail previously, cause it's aching & itching at the same time, I think it's becoming septic!

KS now remembered this morning, how she became obsessed about marking HM as hers & felt guilt! She unbuttoned all the buttons, then went on HM's back and pulled the shirt a little down on her back side, looked at the marks, they were still oozing & raw. Then she kissed all those places where she dragged her nail, She was murmuring sorry during the kisses, then applied the ointment, blew air over those places, then pulled the shirt on and came forward. HM tried to button up her shirt but KS held her hands, she was looking for the left side of her waist where she also injured her & found it more raw, HM had already applied ointment there after the bath, KS directly looked into her eyes, cupped her face & said sorry looking into her eyes. She then went down on her knees & touched at the edge of the marks, kissed there. Then she goes towards the right side of HM's waist, touching the bony prominences there, this time so lightly, like a feather. Then pressed lightly but sensually there with her fingers, not with nails this time as she's in her senses now & confessed that,

"This has become one my favourite part of your body, the soft buttery skin over the hard pelvic bone. What's this place called as per your anatomical knowledge?"

Haseena's POV:

I was resisting myself not to get turned on again, but there was something magical in Karu's hands which she was moving there. I was staring at my karu, this cute, innocent looking girl is changing me layer by layer, I did not used to like these things & now I'm enjoying it as much. But karu has to stop whatever she's doing, cause we have already done it 4 times in the last 12 hours. Now I'm losing my sanity... it's becoming difficult to resist the beast inside my head who wants to come out & do all the unholy things with my Karishma. My breathing became uneven & heavy & I said with difficulty, "Illiac crest"

Karishma said, "sounds not so sexy... anyways!"

& started kissing me over my waist ( illiac crest) again & again also sucking in between, over the skin for more than 5 minutes now. Karu knew she should stop now, but couldn't. I finally controlled my growing feelings and composed myself.... Then I held her face & pulled her up for an urgent, heated but small kiss for calming ourselvs; then touching our foreheads together, gesturing "Not now, please". Then I buttoned up my white n brown check shirt in silence. Karishma got scared when she looked into my eyes, I was afraid, was she able to see that beast trying to come out? She was about to stand up from the sofa & go but I said, "Stop"
KS stopped & moved around facing me, & sat in front of me & held my hands asking what?

I said, "Karishma, would it be possible for you to hug me tightly for a few minutes? Or do you have any of those household works left?

KS said, "those works can wait"

Karu hugged me. Her hands were tightly gripping my shoulder, she was on her knees, on the floor, & I was still on the sofa, lingering over her while hugging her tightly & pressed my nose at the crook of her neck inhaling from her skin & she was feeling my breathing.

----- End of Haseena's POV -----
KS felt that HM was stiff at first. After rubbing her back for a few minutes she got relaxed.

HM: Does it happen to all married couples? The storm between the physical & emotional overflow? Cause I don't like losing my sanity but I'm.

KS: You're asking me as if it's my 3rd marriage, & I know everything!
Stupid... I'm as naive as you in this ! But we will figure it out with time. Now I'm going to wash the dishes.

HM: you don't have to do all that Karu, I'll command Bob (her robot), Bob has some built in software to do few works only- dish washing is one of them & if he wouldn't do so, why would I charge him & waste my electricity at him?
You better come with me to feed my fatty... 'Miku'

This is Miku

This is Miku

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This is Bob

This is Bob

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