The good-bye

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Karishma's POV:

It was 6am in the morning when I opened my eyes, Hasee was still in my arms, it's like we were so tired that we didn't move a bit. I was in a dilemma to wake her up or to let her sleep. She was not facing me. When I tried to get rid of the bed, I couldn't; as our fingers were still intertwined & her hold was so tight that I couldn't get out of her grip, then without moving much I clicked a photo of us like this, to capture the moment. She then woke up slowly and shifted herself more on me. I was lying back in bed with her head on my right shoulder. My Hasee was getting my embrace for one last time as she wouldn't get the chance at the office. The room was extremely silent but this silence is soothing. She then looked into my eyes still being in my arms.

Every time our eyes lock, I guess time stops for a minute, for me at least! Then I noticed the dried marks of tears on her cheeks & I felt a heartache. Then I kissed her cheeks & said, "how was your sleep?"

She said, "It was good. Anyways can you please hold me tightly for a while?"

I nodded yes & pulled her more into me. After a while she started caressing my face with her index finger as if she was trying to make an imprint of my face in her mind. For a second she got lost looking at my vermilion, I mean not the vermilion but her dried blood which was still visibly marked there!

She smiled slowly. Then she kissed my temple, my eyes, my cheeks & lastly on my lips. This kiss was long & full of love, it felt like we both were healing; particularly Hasee, after her breakdown last night! I haven't seen her this much broken & scattered like last night & I never want to see her like that ! Every grief has to pass through me to reach her.
We were still kissing. This time I parted my mouth for her entrance & she started exploring every corner of my mouth as if she was searching for peace.

After the long passionate kiss, she gripped my waist at the right side with her left hand & her right arm was under my left shoulder tightly holding me there & started kissing me from my jaw line towards my shoulder blade, then gradually moved downwards. When she reached my navel, she started giving unchaste kisses there & whispered on my skin,

"You were right, our combined essence in the morning; the mixture of sandalwood & lavender.... it became more soothing."

She then paused for a moment & It almost ached; the loss of contact between her lips & my skin. So, I said in frustration, "Please don't make these any harder for me Hasee! If you don't wanna do this one last time, it's okay! But please don't play with my patience. You know better how much I long for your love. So just don't ignite me"

She then moved upwards, came at my face level to look into my eyes & said, "I'm sorry! I haven't thought this way. I was taking the memory of your imprint in my brain, so that I can recall everything when I miss you badly.
I'm sorry for last night, I'm sorry that I couldn't give you what you wanted. But I wanna say this very clearly, if this passion ignites you, it ignites me too! Right now, I'm burning by this passion of making love to you but still I'm calm cause this is not the right time, if we start this, I wouldn't be able to hold myself and....."

Me: And????

Hasee: And... Nothing!
I'm promising you, that day when you'll come back, I'll take a day off after that day, as you already have a day off.

Me: You're promising to take the day off?!

I started teasing her to lighten the situation cause I won't let her scatter into pieces when I wouldn't be there to mend her back! I know what she was trying to say & I love this side of her when she tries to be gentle & bold at the same time.

Very shyly she replied back,
"Nehi, promise ye nehi ki hum day off lenge, promise yeh hai ki............
Hum aap ko raat mein sone hi nehi denge!!"

Now my face is flushed at her dangerously bold line. She continued,
"And ..... I will make love to you as long as, you would be able to keep calling my name!! I would love to hear your every moan, cause I've heard when lovers moan; they tell their part of the story !!
& In the morning I would be indulged in that mixed essence of your lavender with mine & yes, it acts as an aphrodisiac to me too, so, we'll continue our session..... Till then it's better to keep our passion to thrive."

Our eyes were still locked & I knew better that she kept her promise very well. She moved from me without kissing & I didn't even try to kiss, as both of us knew after her words, full of passion; if we initiate a kiss we'll reach somewhere else.

She then went downstairs after saying, "I'm going to make breakfast & clean Miku, wanna have pancakes??
By this time you can take a shower, get ready for the bureau & then come downstairs to make us coffee.

Me: but you don't wanna have coffee after breakfast as it hampers nutrition?

Hasee: yeah, it hampers iron absorption! still I wanna have that coffee, in our special mug, I mean the 'interval coffee' before our reunion..

When I came back from the shower, I saw Hasee drying her hair infront of the mirror. She was in her navy blue formal shirt with gray pants. I usually don't prefer formal clothes for me, formal clothes are for perfect people like 'My Hasee' ; they look perfect in those, not me!

Yet, I had to dress up in formal today, as I would have to report at the Mumbai branch today, so I wore a bottle-green formal shirt with black formal pants,  Hasee called me towards her, tucked my shirt inside the pants. I whimpered at her touch at my waist & more downwords when she tucked the shirt in. So I removed her hands. I think she understood why I did that. Then she gave me her black formal leather belt & said, "wear it Karu, You have no formal belts I know!"

Yeah, honestly I don't have any. I have a few formal clothes. I nodded positively, took it to wear & then said, "let's go, I'll make you coffee"

I don't know what had happened to her when we reached downstairs. She took me in her arms in bridal style towards the kitchen & landed me there saying, "Now, make coffee for us & I'm serving the breakfast"

When I came back from the kitchen with 2 mugs of coffee, she pulled the chair for me & when I sat down, she served the pancakes with blueberry jam & smilingly said, "it's our cheat day!"
I was having my breakfast in silence & Hasee was constantly giving me instructions on what to do, what not to do.

Lastly she said, " Karu the ticket is in your handbag, don't loose it. Please text me as soon as you land. & you don't have to be 10/10 on bomb defusal, just learn the basics.
And.... Don't risk your life for anything or anyone there.
Remember, there's one person
who belongs to you,
Who is waiting for you in your home,
to whom you have to come back !!"

It almost made me cry but I have to act strong Infront of my Hasee. So I gathered myself & hugged her saying that, "Don't worry love, I'll take care of myself. Let's go check on Miku before I leave"

I went to meet Miku, adored her a lot, this soft, fluffy animal is gradually taking a huge space on my heart. She started purring on my lap, then Hasee took her from me & said, "Now your shirt is full of her hair, come here & clean yourself, Ill help you"

After cleaning Miku's hair, I sat on the couch to wear my shoes when Hasee stood in front of me & said, "May I? Please?"

I said, "Oh... stop Hasee! What are you doing! I'm not any 'Cinderella', so, you don't have to  be my prince charming & do all this. I don't want any official good-bye. So stop being ridiculously cute & gentle for now & act normal!

Hasee: But I want to, please let me?

Me: Okay, but this is the first & the last time. You're not touching my feet after today. Okay?

Hasee: Okay!

Hasee was now happily tying my shoe laces & I'm wondering looking at her, "How lucky I'm to get this woman as my wife!"

I said, "I love you Haseena Malik, a lot.."


My lovely faithful readers, I'm glad to have you people who inspire me to continue writing.
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