Imperfectly perfect

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Karishma's POV:

It took just 5 minutes to reach Hasee's house, while walking I was thinking about the case, what would anyone do with the brain,
I googled , "Is brain transplantable?"
& It said, "No"

So, it's not a case of organ stealing like kidney or cornea stealing.
Then what might be the purpose of this killer about removing the brain? How much hatred & brutality can lead a person to do that? He/she is surely a psychopath.

When I reached the gate, I saw the bedroom's lights were off, Haseena must be sleeping. Then I remembered, I told her that I'll take the food. So, I took my bike from Hasee's garage & went directly to a good restaurant nearby. But when I reached there, I saw it was really late, already 9pm! I ordered, & my serial number was 47 when it was 25 running. I think the holiday is the reason behind this rush. Now I started missing Haseena.

So, I started recalling our moments. I think I might keep a diary to write our love story & read it at my leisure.


***Flashback starts***

I met the love of my life- Haseena Malik a year ago. It was my first day at the Delhi branch of the bureau. Before that I was at the Mumbai branch. My hometown is Kanpur, I lived there with my Mummy, Papa, but for the last 5 years, I've been living alone without family, earlier in the hostel & then in the quarter.

I still remember the day very clearly, I put my ear buds & was listening to the song, 'PERFECT' By Ed Sheeran & was searching for something on my phone. Then suddenly a lady came out of nowhere & was asking for a pen. When I looked at her, I lost myself in her eyes. So.... lost, that whatever she was saying, was not coming up to my head! She was wearing a white shirt with sleeves wrapped up to her elbow & upper 2 buttons open, though not showing her cleavage yet she was looking so alluring! How can anyone have such expressive eyes? & then I noticed her perfect lips & a mole on the left side of her lower lip.

Looking into her eyes, I whispered,(actually it was more than a whisper & she heard it all)
"Baby, I'm dancing in the dark,
With you between my arms,
Barefoot on the grass,
Listening to our favourite song!
I have faith in what I see,
Now I know I have met an angel in person!
And she looks perfect, tonight"

She then put her hand on my shoulder, looked into my eyes & said,

"Did You just sing the song 'PERFECT' for me, or did I imagine the whole scenario?"

I came back to reality. Why did all that happen? why I found a girl, I mean why did I find another female person alluring? This had never happened with me & it shouldn't be. So, whatever the feeling was, I had to stop it from flaring inside my head. It's unusual & unnatural to feel this way.

Me: No Ma'am I was just listening to this song & blabbering the lyrics. Sorry that I was a bit lost. Here's the pen.

While taking the pen, our hands touched & felt that spark again & that line from the song came to my head, i don't know why?!
"She shares my dream and someday I'll share her home"
She said, "You must be Karishma Singh, I saw your photo, ACP sir was talking about your joining, today. Btw I'm Haseena Malik, the IT specialist."

Me: "it was nice meeting you Ma'am, Your name suits you perfectly "

HM: "My pleasure & no need to call me Ma'am, You can call me DR.Malik or Miss. Malik."

Me: Dr? But you're the IT specialist

HM: Oh! My bad. I had a PhD, doctorate degree, that's why!

Me: okay. Now I understand. Thanks once again. I must go & meet ACP sir. Bye! Have a nice day.

HM: You too.

I went to meet ACP Sir. He told me my job here, gave me the files of the current case & asked me to start work on that immediately. I went to see my desk, it's on the front row. Then I met Chita Chaturvedi & Santosh Sharma, my 2 lovely juniors.

I was working on something, then I noticed the name plate on the front door- DR. Haseena Malik. It was a large door. That means her cabin is in front of my desk. Though I was supposed to ignore this feeling but somehow I was feeling happy & enjoyed the fact.

### "Order number 47" they called & I came back from cloud 9 to reality

****Flashback ends****

I took the order, rushed towards home as I was dying for her embrace. When I came home, I didn't find Haseena in the bedroom, she was at her study & prayer room. I knocked several times but she didn't respond.


That's all for today. If you liked it, please like & comment & if you have any suggestions feel free to share.

Btw it's for those lovely readers, who wanted to know about kareEna's love story from the beginning.

So there would be three tracks- their recent life, the murder mystery & their past. Thanks for reading & loving my story.

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