The first kiss

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Writer's POV:

There are more important things than passion & love in a marriage, such as understanding, affection, compassion & faith. Love was secondary to any of this. I hope our favourite couple get to understand all these; that connecting emotionally should also be a priority on a married couple's list.

Haseena lay on that bed with her Karishma wrapped in her arms, though Karu was not facing her. HM nuzzled her nose more into Karishma's neck, indulging in her fragrance. She was enjoying this silence but then a thought crossed her mind.

KS: what are you thinking Hasee?

HM: We enjoy the silence between us but you know Karu, sometimes we lack the quality of reading each-other's silence. I'm not saying that it is erroneous but connecting emotionally is a necessity. That's why we should talk more often with each other.

KS: About what?

HM: About anything & everything. Would you please turn around & look at me please?

Haseena's POV starts:

Karu turned around, cupped my right cheek with her left hand. I held her hand, entangled our fingers & said,

"Karu, how lucky I'm that, I've got a woman like you with a generous heart, & the patience of a saint as my wife. Thank You for accepting me as I am."
I kissed her on the forehead & then said again,
"Can we please take a vow tonight, of sharing everything, even the smallest unimportant things; with each other?

I'm new to this as an introvert but last night I realized that we're in that phase when we're not individual me & you anymore. So there should not be any hide & seek between us. & I promise today; from now on I'll share all my feelings with you. Would you do the same?"
We were inches apart, Karu closed the gap between us by kissing me & between the kiss she said,
"Yes I would"
Her words echoed through my mouth. & Like this our vow got sealed between the kiss.

Me: Thank You.

Karu: Love came to you as suddenly as if a stone had been hurled into the tranquil pond & that pond surface was my heart, so I got hurt. In the whole journey of your realization of 'loving me' you have hurt me several times. It's not that I'm having any hard feelings cause you were not like others & I have loved you knowing you're different cause I always love you for who you are.
But when I remember those days I can relate that some of those painful memories are still raw.

Me: But you never shared, you were always focused on me & my priorities. You acted like your world revolves around me, hiding your pain, you should have ventilated, you could at least try me out for sharing even if I don't understand everything.
One second, Are you considering your silence as my punishment? If so, please don't do that Karu! Let me tell you karu, you are my universe. So please don't do that, give me any physical punishment but don't hurt yourself to hurt me back.

Karu: In my dreams even, I wouldn't have thought like that Hasee. Why would I punish you when I love you. Don't ever think like that, Hasee.
From now on I'll share my feelings too.

Me: I want to know, how you fall in love with such a boring person like me?

Karu: Haven't I told you when I proposed to you?

Me: I wanna hear from you again

**FLASHBACK STARTS (passively)**

Writer's POV:

KS: Have you heard about love at first sight? It had happened to me the moment I saw You asking for a pen. For a few minutes I got lost. But then for months I was confused, how it can be possible that I got attracted to a girl. I belonged to a middle class family where my parents hadn't even heard about this kind of love & when I got to know about it from school, I heard that it is a mental disorder, more precisely one kind of psycho-sexual disorder. It took months for me to process that I'm into girls. Then I realized that love is beyond gender.
Then the second shock was YOU. When I got the opportunity to talk with you, & I got to know you a little bit, I got so disappointed that there was no chance of us, being us. I mean, firstly you were so unfriendly, secondly so knowledgeable; there was no chance of- 'me & you' being 'us'. Honestly I never thought, someday we would marry.

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