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This chapter contains some graphic contents. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. So, read at your own risk.

Haseena's POV (continued):

***Mature content alert***

I kissed her again but this time it was full of promises & slowly I pulled my fingers out from her when her muscles stopped the contractions.

When Karu returned back from cloud 9 she asked, "Wouldn't you let me return the favour?"

I kissed on her temple & said, "No need.... we have time for that. You need rest & btw you've already done what you wanted to do."

Karu: OMG! by seeing only. & You're blushing hard, jaan!

Me: Karu, please don't laugh! It's not only by seeing. & Isn't it supposed to be like this?! Coming together!

Karu: But we had another promise. I want to make you feel good too. Please let me love you back. I cannot be so selfish to overlook you.

Me: ssshhhh.... my Queen needs rest now. You're not so well Karishma, otherwise I wouldn't deny. You have to understand that. You've to sleep before the painkillers actions are gone.

Karu: Hasee, look into my eyes.

Saying this she cupped my face. & It was clearly visible in her eyes that she wants this terribly.
Her eyes were inconsistent as 'a tide'
& her desires were clearly visible as deep as 'the sea' !

Karu: Hasee, I want YOU to dive into my eyes & swim into my sea of desire. Wouldn't you let me love you back tonight?

Honestly, I was too needy for my Karu which I was not confessing. But all the barriers which were restraining me till now were broken by her words  & this time I started kissing her madly. Karu reciprocated with me. She was smiling within the kiss I could feel that. She   liked kissing me so much. She just adored it.

It was always this lavender smell, but every time I caught a sniff of it, it never failed to make my heart beat faster. It invaded my senses, tightening around the wet heat that had settled between my legs a few minutes ago.

Karu's hands roamed around my body, neither shy nor rushed but her touches were greedy. She curled around my waist, started giving unchaste kisses at my waist which is her all time favourite spot & then around my umbilicus.

The gentleness and pointlessness of her attitude was mesmerising. Karu simply wanted to touch me, without an obvious goal or agenda. I just waited as Karu came above & started kissing all over my face and neck. Then she started swirling her tongue around my aroused nipples & they got erected. But I pushed her back as I was too aroused to take these ministrations.

Finally, taking the skin on my cleavage area between her lips, Karu slid her fingers up & down along my slit to take some glistening fluid in her hand & then pushed her two fingers inside my core. I could feel my pulse pushing hardest.

The noise that I tried to swallow made her grin while exploring me. It felt so good. I never wanted it to end but I couldn't take it anymore.  She was now above me, thrusting her fingers continually & curling up after a few thrusts. My hands were holding her for dear life but also to fix her arm from getting injured.

Our eyes got locked again. But instead of speeding up, a breathless sigh escaped from Karu's lips. Whispering right into my ear, "let go Hasee, let go for me..."

Karu was so soft. Her skin felt creamy and smooth as she was hovering over me. Her fingers were dared and dipped inside me vigorously thrusting & I was driven by this emotion that controlled me in the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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