Chapter 34

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I've heard the fairy tales of soul mates, but I never thought them to be true.

How did I wind up being a soulmate to a werewolf? How did I wind up becoming a werewolf myself?

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away with the heel of my palm in an angry manner. I can't let this overwhelm me. I am so much stronger than this.

I slowly stood to my feet and leaned against the door behind me. I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath before slowly letting it out.

My palm touched the coldness of the doorknob before turning it and opening the door. Niall stood by the window his eyes gazing out into the forest surrounding the house. His eyes shot to mine as I coughed lightly to grab his attention. A small smile graced his lips as we made eye contact.

Butterflies flew around in my stomach in a swarm of happiness. I returned the light smile and stepped into the room, slowly closing the door behind me. Niall gestured me over to the window before looking out once again.

Below us Harry and Cresh were fooling around while he was in wolf form, like a child playing with their dog.

I chuckled lightly at the playful sight and glanced back up at Niall to find him already staring lovingly at me. A light blush crept across my cheeks before turning away.

His fingertips held my chin before turning it upwards to face him. "I will do everything in my power to make you see that we belong together. I will whatever it takes."

The small butterflies turned into a swarm in my stomach. "You are going to have to prove yourself to me. I don't mean just saving me whenever I am in danger, which seems to happen a lot." We both chuckled lightly with my statement before I continued. "You are going to have to show me just how much you love me and care for me with other things and actions."

He nodded in agreement. "If that is what it takes to let you accept this, I will more than gladly accept."

I smiled and nodded lightly causing a large smile to pull at his lips. His luscious, plump lips. I shook the thoughts from my mind and let him take a hold of my hand and intertwine our fingers together. He led me out of the room and down the stairs, quite happily.

Yall probably hate me for not posting for the longest time!! I'm so sorry babes!! Things have been so absolutely crazy and hectic lately and now I'm traveling for five weeks away from my boyfriend to South Dakota and then to Montana and I've been busy with finishing up high school and graduating even though I didn't walk the aisle and getting everything ready for college and it's just been so crazy and I truly apologize for not writing for a while but I will try my hardest to get back on track with it!!! I love yall so much and thank you for your constant support!! Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement! Means so much to me!!!!!

I love yall to the moon and back!!💕

Peace out babes✌🏼️

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