Chapter 28

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I closed my eyes as the wolf hovered its jaws over my throat, ready to bite down at any moment. I sent up a final pray as tears cascaded down my face in a steady flow.

Suddenly I heard movement which caused my eyes to open. A blur flashed beside me before the large wolf was thrown off of me.

I gasped in pain and my hand flew to my arm. I looked down to see blood beginning to seep through my fingers and my breath hitched in my throat. I removed my hand to find four slash marks running across. I guess the wolf clipped me as he was torn away from me.

I turned my attention to the fight at hand to find a curly brown wolf attacking the other.

I screamed when another large wolf appeared in front of me. My eyes widened when it bent down on his forelegs so that I was able to climb onto it's back.

I grabbed ahold of its dark brown fur and hopped onto its back. The wolf began to head back towards the lake. My thoughts were running wild.

Was Niall okay?

Is the other wolf dead?

Niall kept flashing through my mind and my heart was about to beat out of my chest with worry.

The wolf slowed down as we neared the lake and my eyes searched around frantically. I spotted a wolf lying on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding it. I gasped as we got closer to it, but sighed with relief as I saw it was the large one that attacked Niall.

My eyes scanned the area for a silky, black wolf. They caught a flash before I was grabbed off of the dark brown wolf. I screamed out in surprise before the breath was knocked out of me as my back slammed hard into the ground.

I looked up in fright to come in contact with unfamiliar silver eyes. I swallowed down my nerves and looked for the dark brown wolf that had saved me earlier to see that he was already surrounded by two more mysterious wolves.

My mind raced as questions of where on earth all of these wolves could have come from ran through.

I met the eyes to see them slowly turn into a dark brown. My eyes widened as the wolf transformed into a human right in front of my eyes. He hovered over me, putting all of his strength on his arms that were placed beside my head.

"What do you want with me?" I tried to keep my voice steady but the fear was racing through me causing it to quiver slightly.

A smirk pulled at the corners of his lips as he leant down closer to my ear. I turned my face away from him in disgust and closed my eyes as he sniffed my neck.



Hello fabulous readers!!

So from the previous QOTD I asked how old you guys were and it was a larger range than I thought it was going to be haha!

Btw I'm 17 for those of you that didn't know🙈

QOTD: What would y'all think if I started putting pictures with each chapter???

BTW I WENT TO MY VERY FIRST CONCERT LAST NIGHT!! I was so happy! I stood right at the stage the whole night and caught two guitar picks!! and thanks to a guy that my dad knows having an extra meet and greet ticket I got to meet Colt Ford and get a picture!! Was so awesome! So excited to go see Tenth Avenue North and Phil Wickham next Thursday with two of my amazing friends!!

Hope y'all enjoy this chapter!

Love y'all to the moon and back!






Peace out babes😘✌️

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