Biker Boy and the Bandages (4)

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   During lunch, Himiko had filled Kokichi in on her and Mikan's conversation. She told him that Mikan would wait after school for Mondo to confess her feelings for him. It was then Kokichi's turn to finish his part of the plan. Later that afternoon during gym, Kokichi spied Mondo sitting on the bleachers and slinked his way over to him. Mondo's eye was a bit bruised, but other than that, he seemed fine.

   "'s your eye?" he asked cheerfully. 

   "Huh? Oh, yeah! It's doin' good," Mondo replied. "Hey, thanks for takin' me to see Mikan yesterday."

   "You mean to get your eye healed?" Kokichi asked. Mondo gave him a look of confusion.

   "Well, yeah," he replied. "Why else?"

   " reason," Kokichi answered with a sly grin as he twiddled his fingers. 

   "You know somethin' I don't?" Mondo asked with suspicion. 

   "Maaayyyybe..." Kokichi murmured, his grin getting wider.

   "Well, spill it, kid!" Mondo demanded. 

   "Are you sure you weren't happy to go over there to see Mikan herself?" Kokichi asked. 

   "Ghgrr!" Mondo grunted in surprise as a blush formed across his face. "D-Don't assume s-stupid shit like that!"

   " seem pretty nervous, Mondo!" Kokichi said with a cheeky grin. 

   "Sh-Shut the hell up! I ain't nervous!" Mondo yelled. "Ggrr...I just...think she's...pretty cool...the way she made my eye feel better...I guess."

   "So you're admitting you like her," Kokichi teased.

   "I AIN'T ADMITTIN' NOTHIN!'" Mondo shouted. 

   "Okay, okay...calm down. No need to yell," Kokichi said with a cheeky grin. "But...that's too bad. The poor girl will forever be alone because the guy she loves won't even admit to liking her back."

  "What?!?! " Mondo exclaimed. "Sh-She...loves me?!?!"

   "Oopsie-poopsie! I'm such a klutz! I've said too much!" Kokichi said. "Never mind! Forget I said anything." He stood up to leave, but Mondo pulled him back down. 

   "Hey, what's all this about Mikan havin' a crush on me?!" he demanded. "Is that true?!"

   "Well, yeah," Kokichi replied. "You should see the way she looks at you. She gets that weird, dreamy look in her eye and she blushes like crazy whenever you walk by."

  "Really?!" Mondo asked in astonishment. "I've...never noticed!"

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