What's Behind the Mask? (1)

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     Himiko was in her secret magic room beneath Casa V3's backyard gazebo. She was stirring a sparkling, golden liquid in her cauldron, when Kokichi came down the steps into the room. 

   "A-ha! There you are, Himiko!" he said. He walked over to her and gave her a juicy smooch on her cheek. 

   "Gross," Himiko said, wiping her cheek. 

   "Heeeey...don't wipe it!" Kokichi pouted. 

   "Nyeeeh...well, don't make your kisses so slobbery next time!" Himiko said. 

   "Fine," Kokichi said, folding his arms. "You're never gonna get a kiss from me ever again if you keep acting like a meanie."

   "Okay, okay!" Himiko said. "You can kiss me, but next time, just don't make it so slobbery." Kokichi sighed dramatically. 

   "Okaaaay...fiiiiiine," he said. "I'm sowwy." He smiled flirtatiously at her as he pressed his forehead against hers. Himiko smiled back and blushed as Kokichi gave her a soft kiss on her lips. "So...what'cha makin,' Monkey Buns?"

   "I'm making a few extra healing elixirs," Himiko answered. "My sisters are coming over for winter break, and I wanna make sure I have an elixir ready in case something goes wrong."

    "Niiiice! Look at you being a good big sister!" Kokichi said. 

   "Yeah, well, I remember what you said about me being the best big sister I can be for my little sisters, so that's what I'm trying to do," Himiko replied. Kokichi smiled at her, impressed.

   "Way to think ahead, HimiCocoa Bean!" he said proudly. Himiko smiled bashfully at him in return.

   "Well, I learned from the best," she replied. "You're always thinking ahead yourself, so I thought that as your Supreme Lady, I should do the same." Kokichi smiled affectionately and stroked her cheek. Himiko smiled before pouring the golden elixir into a few small bottles. She then placed the bottles into her hat, then placed her hat onto her head. 

   "Hey, how do the bottles just...disappear into your hat?" Kokichi asked. 

   "Maaaagic," Himiko said wiggling her fingers mysteriously. 

   "Yeah, but, like...where do they go, exactly?" Kokichi pressed. 

   "Nyeh...a mage never reveals her secrets," Himiko replied with a sly grin. 

   "Fair enough!" Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. "So...how do you plan on spending time with your sisters?"

    "I don't know, honestly," Himiko admitted. "I want this time to be more exciting. Maybe we can watch scary movies late at night, or something. That might help me get closer to my sisters because they'll want me to protect them from monsters." 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 3 (Return of the Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now