The Ultimate Supreme Lady (9)

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   During lunchtime later that day, Himiko decided to skip lunch to go straight to Headmaster Kirigiri's office. She was marching with Tenko and Akane at her sides, and Gonta behind her. 

  "YOU!!!" a voice screeched from behind them. Himiko and her bodyguards turned to see Junko pointing furiously at Himiko. Byakuya, who was also seething, stood next to Junko. "You stole my victory, you little bitch!" Junko said in a terrible voice. 

   "Nonsense. I won fair and square," Himiko replied, calmly observing her fingernails. 

   "How could a lowlife with an I.Q. of a sunflower seed like you beat me?!" Byakuya growled, glaring daggers at Himiko. "Surely you cheated." Himiko smirked at him.

   "How rude! I didn't cheat at all. And don't call me Shirley," she smirked as she twirled a strand of her hair. 

   "I'll call you an ambulance, cuz you're sure as hell going to need one!" Junko roared before sprinting towards Himiko. Himiko snapped her fingers. Tenko and Akane sprinted into action. Akane grabbed Junko, while Tenko grabbed Byakuya.

  "LET GO OF ME!!!" Junko screamed.

  "Get your...ggr...filthy of me!" Byakuya growled, struggling to escape Tenko's grasp. Himiko grinned maliciously at them.

   "Throw them in the basement," she ordered Tenko and Akane. 

   "Looks like you're comin' with us!" Akane said. She and Tenko dragged Junko and Byakuya away. As their screams faded, Gonta turned to Himiko with a worried expression. 

   "Uh...Himiko? You allowed to do that?" he asked.

   "Nyeh...I had to do it, Gonta!" Himiko said, feigning desperation. "Don't you see? They were trying to take my place as class president! If that happened, they wouldn't let you have your bughouse!"

  "Oh, no! Gonta feel bad if he not get his bughouse!" Gonta cried. "Okay...if you say it's okay, Gonta guess it's okay, then."

   "I'm glad you think so, Gonta!" Himiko replied with a cheeky grin. "Come, we have to get to Headmaster Kirigiri's office." Once they arrived at Kirigiri's office, Himiko knocked on his door. 

   "Come iiiin," came the headmaster's voice. Himiko turned to Gonta.

  "Thanks for walking me here, Gonta!" Himiko said. "You're free to leave, now!"

   "President Himiko sure she can handle things by herself?" Gonta asked. 

   "Nyeh...yup!" Himiko assured, patting his hand. "I'll make sure to come get you if I need you. Oh! And make sure you tell Tenko and Akane the same."

  "Yes, ma'am, President Himiko!" Gonta replied with a happy smile. Himiko watched him walk away. Deep down, she couldn't help but feel bad for duping him. She shook her head to clear her thoughts. 

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