The Ultimate Supreme Lady (8)

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    The next day, the students were casting their votes at the school ballot box in the cafeteria. In first period, they were given a slip with the candidates' names. The students had until lunchtime to figure out who they were going to vote for, and during lunch, they were to slip their votes into the ballot box. 

   "Himiko!" Himiko turned to see Hina with Ibuki, Tenko, Akane, Kaito, and Gonta. "Himiko, your speech yesterday was awesome!"

  "Well, of course it was awesome!" Tenko squealed. "Himiko's the most powerful girl in the whole wide world!"

   "Yes! Gonta loved your speech, Himiko!" Gonta added.

   "Yeah! Even I was taken aback at how assertive you sounded, Himiko!" Kaito said. "I didn't even hear you say one 'nyeh!' Good for you! You were able to stun the Luminary of the Stars into bewildered silence!"

   "Yahooo! Way to go, girlfriend!" Ibuki cheered. "

   "You still promise me a buncha food, right?" Akane asked. 

   "Of course," Himiko assured, fiddling with the hem of her dress. 

   "Alrighty, then I'm definitely gonna vote for ya!" Akane said. With a pencil, she put a checkmark next to Himiko's name, then left briefly to put her slip into the ballot box before returning. Himiko heard snide laughter behind her. She turned to see Leon, Junko, and Byakuya. 

  "'It'S gOnNa Be MaRvElOuS! iT's GoNnA bE mAgNiFiCeNt! It'S gOnNa Be...mAgIcAl!'" Junko mocked. She and Leon cackled nastily. 

   "That's exactly how dumb she sounded!" Leon said. 

  "You do realize that your childish antics aren't going to win you this election, right?" Byakuya said to Himiko. "You might as well give up, Himiko. Your little magic tricks won't help you in this race."

   "Haha, totally awesome slammage, Byakuya!" Leon said, raising his hand for a high five.

   "Get out of my sight, pinworm," Byakuya said to Leon. "I don't make friends with parasites, especially ones that say such asinine language like 'slammage.' Why don't you throw yourself out front for the garbageman to come and collect you?" Leon gaped at him.

  "Huh! That's real savage of you, Byakuya," Junko said with an impressed expression. 

   "Well, of course," Byakuya replied. "I was raised in such a manner where I had to grow a thick skin, unlike you plebeians, who have to live sad and pathetic loser lives, crying every time that you're faced with a challenge." Everyone else exchanged strange glances. 

   "Who hurt you?" Leon asked. 

   "Anyways, I will say this, Himiko," Byakuya continued, ignoring Leon. "I will admit, you surprised even me yesterday, but your so-called 'magic' will only take you so far, while I, Byakuya Togami, will surpass you. You only deal in trickery and illusions, but I am the real deal. I am the one who will-"

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