Cloning Around (8): Punk Himiko, Shuichi, and Kiyo

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     "Hey, Shu-Itchy Butt, we leavin' already?!" Punk Himiko asked in a loud, brash voice. She was leaning against the doorway to Shuichi and Kaito's room. 

   "W-What did you just call me?!" Shuichi exclaimed. 

  "'wHaT dId YoU jUsT cAlL mE?'" Punk Himiko mocked. "You heard what I said, ya gloomy gumshoe! Get off your crack and let's go to the library, already!" Shuichi stared at Punk Himiko in shock.

   "Himiko...are you okay? Why are you dressed like that?" he asked. 

   "Cuz unlike you, I've got a sense of style!" Punk Himiko replied with a smirk as she spat into a nearby trashcan. She popped some gum into her mouth. Shuichi sighed. 

   "Did Kokichi put you up to this?" he asked. 

   "Kokichi had nuthin' to do with it, barfbag!" Punk Himiko replied, blowing a bubble with her gum. "Hey, what is this, an interrogation, or somethin?' I didn't stand here in your freakin' doorway to be bombarded by the fuzz with lame-brain questions, alright? So let's just go, already!"

   "Okay, well...I'll go get Kiyo, too," Shuichi replied, standing up from his desk. 

   "Uggghhhh...we gotta bring the creep with us?!" Punk Himiko groaned. 

    "Yeah, you know that," Shuichi answered. "He wanted to see that ancient katana, remember?"

   "'ve seen one sword, you've seen 'em all!" Punk Himiko scoffed. "Why do I gotta waste more time at the library cuz that guy gets all hard for stinkin' katanas?" Shuichi's eyes bugged out at Punk Himiko.

   "Okay, this has got to be a prank you and Kokichi thought up!" he said. 

   "Whatever, man! Let's just go get Creature Feature and blow this pop stand!" Punk Himiko said. Shuichi shook his head in disbelief, then went over and knocked on Kiyo and Rantaro's door. Kiyo answered the door.

   "Hey, Kiyo. Are you ready to go?" Shuichi asked.

   "You go on ahead. I'll catch up later," Kiyo replied. "I must stay behind for a while to prepare myself."

   "Um...prepare yourself for what, exactly?" Shuichi asked. 

   "I must find the proper wrappings for my hands in case I get the opportunity to hold the katana," Kiyo explained. "I heard that it sheds some goldish material. I don't want it on my hands, nor do I want to tarnish such an artifact."

   "Er...okay. See you then," Shuichi replied before Kiyo closed the door. "C'mon, Himiko, let's go."

   "'Bout freakin' time!" Punk Himiko spat. 

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