Biker Boy and the Bandages (End)

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    The next day, Kokichi and Himiko snuck over to Cookies 'n' Cream. They quickly ordered a snack and sat down at a booth before Mondo and Mikan arrived.

  "Nyeh...are they coming, already?!" Himiko whispered in frustration. 

  "Relax, HimiCocoa Bean, they'll be here in a bit," Kokichi assured. "I bet you'll know they're coming when you hear Mondo's..." Kokichi was interrupted by the sound of a motorcycle engine getting louder. "...motorcycle." Kokichi finished with a sly grin. They watched as Mondo helped Mikan off his bike. They ducked lower so they wouldn't be seen as Mondo and Mikan entered the ice cream parlor. They sat down at a nearby table behind Kokichi and Himiko where the two matchmakers wouldn't be seen.

   "So, you like ridin,' Mikan?" they heard Mondo ask. 

  " dangerous as it seems, it's actually quite thrilling," Mikan admitted with a small smile.

  "Glad to hear it!" Mondo replied. "I'm thinkin' about takin' ya for a ride along the beach during the sunset! How does that sound?" 

   "Kyah!" Mikan squealed as she blushed. "Th-That...sounds...very romantic!"

   "Huh? Oh, does that sorta thing make you uncomfortable?" Mondo asked.

  "N-No, no, it's wonderful! I'm just...I've never been someone's object of affection before," Mikan replied. "This is all very new to me. very sudden."

   "Well, shit, if I'm ever bein' too forward, I need you to say somethin,' alright?" Mondo encouraged. "Last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable. This is my first time on a date with a girl, and I don't wanna ruin that, y'know?"

  "I-I understand..." Mikan nodded. "I'll do my very best not to disappoint you in any way. I-If I do, feel free to throw darts at me, or...or...scribble all over my body! Just...please, don't hate me!"

  "Huh? Hey, why do you keep sayin' shit like that?" Mondo asked. 

  "Hyehh...what do you mean?" Mikan said timidly.

   "Why do you keep puttin' yourself down, and thinkin' you're gonna disappoint somebody?" Mondo elaborated.

   "W-Well...I've always wanted to be useful,"  Mikan explained. "So, in order to make myself useful, I'd let people scribble all over my body, or let them force-feed me bugs, or even let everyone throw darts at me."

  "The hell?!" Mondo exclaimed. "Why would...grr...why would you...let them do those things to you?!"

   "If it makes them happy and not hate me, I'll do a-anything!" Mikan whimpered. "I'll do anything to feel acknowledged!" 

   "So you just let everyone walk all over ya like that, huh?" Mondo said, shaking his head in disappointment. 

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