Grocery Shopping With Kokichi (1)

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     *Takes place when Himiko was hiding her crush on Kokichi*

   "Nyeh...and then...and then...he dropped his pencil, and then, he tapped me on my shoulder because, well, he sits behind me, and then he asked if I could get his pencil for him. So, I did, and when I handed it to him, he said thank you AND HE WINKED AT ME!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Himiko gushed as she, Angie, Tsumugi, and Tenko were sitting in the gazebo in the backyard. "Hee-hee...he winked at me and touched me!!"

   "Aaaaaahhhhh!!" Angie and Tsumugi squealed. 

   "W-Wait! He t-touched you?!" Tenko gasped. "Where did he touch you?!"

   "Jeez, I just said he tapped my shoulder," Himiko said. 

   "Oh! Well, that's okay, then!" Tenko said, sighing in relief. "Waaahhh...that's so cute, Himiko! You're so adorable when you're in love!"

   "I'm not the adorable one," Himiko sighed dreamily. "Kokichi's the adorable one." She pressed her hands against her chest. "Nyeh...he's so fine, he's so smart. He's the supreme leader of my heart." 

   " have it baaad, Himiko!" Angie giggled. 

   "I know," Himiko mumbled, blushing as she pulled the brim of her hat over her face.

   "Have you tried talking to him?" Tsumugi asked. Himiko looked at her in alarm.

   "I can't!" she cried. 

   "Why not, Himiko?" Tenko asked. 

   "You don't ever talk to your crush!" Himiko said, suddenly looking crestfallen. "Nyeeeh...if they get the slightest hint that you like them, they start treating you you're gross, or something. So, I don't think I should talk to Kokichi."

   "But, what's the point of having a crush on him if you're not going talk to him, or anything?" Tsumugi asked. 

    "I can admire him from afar," Himiko mumbled. "I'd rather be the owner of a lonely heart, instead of the owner of a broken heart."

   "Himiko, it breaks my heart to hear you say such depressing things!" Tenko exclaimed. 

    "Hmm, Atua thinks you should try and talk to Kokichi, Himiko," Angie said. 

   "Atua said no such thing!" Tenko spat. 

   "He did! He did! I heard His divine voice!" Angie insisted. "He said that you should at least say hi to him! It could lead to a wonderful conversation! And if it doesn't, you should never give up hope! An opportunity to talk to him could come at any moment!"

   "Shut up, Angie!" Tenko scoffed. "Your crummy Atua doesn't know anything about romance! How do you expect Himiko to believe what you say?" At that moment, the backyard door to Casa V3 opened, and out walked Kokichi. Tenko's mouth dropped open in utter shock. Tsumugi and Himiko looked stunned. Angie looked smug. Kokichi walked over to the gazebo.

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