Kiki Ouma (9)

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    Kokichi spent the next few days hanging out with his family at the Ouma mansion. He would have preferred that Himiko tagged along, as well, but she insisted that he should get to know his own family better himself and to grow a bond with them before Himiko could start getting involved. She'd only feel like she was getting in the way, or feeling like a third wheel. Kokichi understood, and reluctantly agreed. Despite his reluctance, however, he had fun. He had the best times with Kiki. They would play rounds of chess and other board games, they would put on puppet shows for Kiki's stuffed animal audience, Kiki would show Kokichi around the mansion, and they would watch movies in the movie room, play games in the arcade, bake pastries, play in the backyard pool, and prank call people. Kokichi even read Kiki some spooky books in the family library. 

   One particular rainy day, Mr. and Mrs. Ouma left for a dinner party at a neighbor's mansion, so Kokichi and Kiki were stuck inside feeling bored. They had wanted to go outside to take a walk around the neighborhood, but because of the weather, they couldn't. After eating some lunch, they plopped themselves on the living room floor, staring up at the ceiling with boredom. 

   "Wanna play some more games in the arcade?" Kokichi asked. 

   "No, my eyes feel all wonky from staring at the screen all day," Kiki answered. "Wanna prank call more people?"

   "Nah. I usually don't like doing that unless I'm using Kaito's phone," Kokichi replied. Kiki turned to look at him.

   "Who's Kaito?" she asked. 

   "Nee-heehee...he's one of my classmates who I enjoy making miserable," Kokichi replied with a cheeky grin. 

    "Why's that?" Kiki asked curiously, as she turned onto her belly and plopped her chin onto her crossed arms. 

   "Eh, he's an idiot who believes in people just because he wants to," Kokichi replied. "You can murder a bunch of people and he'll still believe that you're a good person. Oh, but when I lie, I'm worse than a murderer." He sighed and rolled his eyes.

   "When you lie?" Kiki asked. "What do you mean?" Kokichi looked at her with a somewhat shameful smile.

   "Well, you saw it firsthand when I told your parents that I'm the Ultimate President, and that I'm the leader of a charitable organization," he said. "I tend to lie a lot. I mostly do it to mess with people and have fun, y'know? But, like I told you before, I didn't want your parents finding out what I really was because of what they'd think of me." Kiki nodded, recalling her and Kokichi's conversation that night.  

   "Are you good at it?" Kiki asked with fascination. Kokichi chuckled. 

   "Hahaha, the best!" he replied. 

   "Cool! Can you teach me?" Kiki asked eagerly, sitting up. Kokichi gave her a smile that seemed kind, yet sad. 

   "No," he finally answered. 

    "Aww, but I wanna be just like you," Kiki pouted. "You're the best big brother ever!" Kokichi sat up, as well, and looked Kiki in the eye. 

Liar, Liar, the Mage's Desire Vol. 3 (Return of the Oumeno)Where stories live. Discover now