Biker Boy and the Bandages (3)

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    "DID YOU SEE THAT?! THE WAY THEY STARED INTO EACH OTHERS' EYES!! MWA-HAHAHAHAHAAA!!! WE GOT 'EM RIGHT WHERE WE WANT 'EM, KOKICHI!!!" Himiko laughed with mischievous glee as she and Kokichi sat on Kokichi's bed later that evening discussing what had happened at the nurse's office between Mondo and Mikan earlier that afternoon. 

   "Hahaha, wow, you seem very excited about this!" Kokichi laughed, giving her a strange, but amused, smile. 

   "Because they fell right into our little trap! And they don't even know iiit," Himiko murmured impishly. "Nee-heehee...I can feel the 'Kokichiosity' coursing through my veins!"

   "We've been together for almost a year and you're just now feeling the 'Kokichiosity' coursing through your veins?!" Kokichi asked incredulously, feeling a little offended.  

   "'s probably because this was my plan to begin with," Himiko replied. "When you think of a plan first, the 'Kokichiosity' inside you seems stronger."

   "Mm...understandable," Kokichi said, shrugging and nodding in thought. "M'kay, HimiKibbles 'n' Bits, continue being your evil little self."

   "MWA-HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA...nyeeehh...that's all I got," Himiko sighed. "Being evil is really hard...and tiring. Especially since I don't even know what to do next." 

  "We can set up a date for them," Kokichi suggested. "Y'know, to help them get to know each other better."

   "MWA-HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!" Himiko laughed with sudden enthusiasm again. "IMPRESSIVE, KOKICHI!!! FOR YOU TO COME UP WITH THAT IDEA!! YES...YES!! YOU ARE USEFUL, INDEED!!!"

  "...It wasn't that hard," Kokichi teased, smiling and lifting his brow at Himiko. 

  "Nyeh...give me a break, why don'tcha?! I'm still new at being evil, okay?!" Himiko huffed. 

  "And you're doing great so far, Monkey Buns," Kokichi said, leaning forward to give Himiko a kiss on her cheek. Himiko blushed.

  "Nyeh...I learned from the best," she replied bashfully, batting her eyelashes at Kokichi. 

  "Yes, you did," Kokichi cooed, nuzzling Himiko's nose. "Okay, back to business!"

   "Right!" Himiko nodded. 

   "So, what do you wanna do, HimiCocoa Bean?" Kokichi asked. "Love letters again? Makeover for Mikan like we did for Tenko? Another theatrical performance like we did with Kaito and Ma-"

   "LIES!!!" Himiko interrupted with a manic smile. Kokichi chuckled and smiled deviously at her.

   "M'kaaay, how do you mean?" he asked. 

   "We'll lie to them! Telling how much they long for each other!" Himiko answered. "We'll lay it on thick, too! Nyeh...'MoNdO'S hEaRt PoUnDs EaCh TiMe YoU lOoK iN hIs DiReCtIoN!' or 'MiKaN jUsT cAn'T sToP tHiNkInG aBoUt YoU!' Nee-heehee...they won't help but to fall MADLY IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER!!!" Kokichi chuckled.

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