3# - Metal Crusher

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Everyone loves Mettaton.

Besides me.

I met him while he was still a petty ghost.

But that doesn't matter.

Now that the entire Underground is at one of his biggest shows!

Which is a perfect opportunity for me to...

Open this casket and take the purple soul with me.

Let's put it in this glass jar first so it doesn't run away! I stole the SOUL of PESEVERANCE, and sealed it tightly in the reinforced glass jar. 

How exciting! I don't remember being this happy for a looong time. 

Now I just need to head back to the lab, which will be quite easy since no one is there!

I disappeared in the shadows, going deep underground towards the True Lab.

I reappeared there, stepping out from one of the mirrors there.

Mirrors are great portals for beings like me, which is why you shouldn't sleep in a room with one.

And now that I'm at the Determination Extraction Machine! I can begin with my final experiment before I fade into the abyss again.

"You shouldn't have mentioned my name since the beginning, Sans." I said out loud to myself, but to my surprise, I wasn't alone in this room.

As the giant DT Extraction Machine stood above me, with its rusty tubes and metal that predate most of the monsters here, I spotted a figure hiding in the dark, right across the room.

"then you should not have mentioned my either." said a deep voice.

"Not you again! You're really planning to stop me now?" I responded.

I knew something like this was going to happen! This was too easy from the beginning anyways.

"even though you dont exist phyisically, i can still hurt you, child."

"I'm not a child!" I drew the Torn Notebook from my pocket and aimed it toward him.

"what will you even do with that?" He was annoyingly patient.

"I will kill you if you continue asking me questions."

"try to kill me if you want to.", "im not the one whos already dead." His eyes disappeared.

"Heh, my SOUL was full of DETERMINATION, but I realized I can't transcend if I don't have other souls."

"I figured out that PERSEVERANCE is the second strongest trait that'll allow my name to grow even more so powerful than it is now."

"And for you to stop me it's already too late. I can absorb the soul as we're speaking and kill you in a matter of seconds."

"if thats the case, i guess you dont need this anymore." He pointed his Gaster Blasters at the machine, flicking his fingers, instructing them to destroy the machine.

"NO!" I screamed, launching myself straight into the air at Sans with the Torn Notebook in my hand.

One of the Gaster Blasters shot straight at me, but I cut myself with the piece of paper from the notebook, making me invulnerable to his giant beam wave.

I phased straight through it while dashing through air and I jumped straight onto Sans - falling on the ground with me on top of him on time and swinging the notebook straight at his head.

I severely cut his face wide open, but it was too late.

The other Gaster Blaster shot the machine the moment I jumped on him.

Sans didn't expect me to kill him so quickly, but he still managed to destroy the machine before I could get to it...

Or not!

The machine isn't destroyed yet!

There's no way, aaaaaah!

I need to get into it while it's still working.

Spectating Alphys over the years has taught me how to operate it.

So I set up everything and opened the capsule to put the PERSEVERANCE soul, the Cloudy Glasses, and the Torn Notebook.

I pressed one final button on the dashboard and ran straight for it. Everything was collapsing as the machine was getting activated - I guess no one used it for a long time.

The entire True Lab was collapsing.

The machine looked like it was about to explode.

Valves, pipes, and all other metallurgy was breaking.

I got into the machine as fast as possible, cramping myself into a fetal position along with the PERSEVERANCE items.

The capsule closed, and the shaking got bigger.

Everything was shaking, it was so humid and hot, but I could feel the change!

It's working! When this experiment succeeds, I'll become GOD!

*giant explosions, walls, floors, and ceilings collapsing, overshadowed by one giant blast*

- ✨ Writer's Notes ✨ - 

Welcome to my notes!

These first 3 chapters are just prologue chapters so you can see how the setting looks and everything.

This is my own Undertale AU, inspired by my unrelated Undertale stories.

I hope you'll have a fun time reading this, and while waiting for new chapters to come out, you can check out my Charisk fanfiction - No Chocolate.

No Chocolate: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/320403833-chara-x-frisk-charisk-no-chocolate

PS: The reason why Chara was immune to the Gaster Blaster was because the Torn Notebook in the game gives you the secret INV stat effect that makes you invulnerable to attacks for a certain amount of time if you took damage beforehand.

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