7# - Deal with a Demon

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I sat down in the dining room to eat with Toriel.

She didn't want to eat with me, so she just kept serving me with all kinds of delicious food that she had.

Even though the flavors were unknown to me and monster-like, I still liked it and maybe preferred it to my regular human food.

But I miss McDonald's so much... And Dr. Pepper too - I'm devastated without them!

"Hey, Violetta" Said Chara in my head.

"I'm not talking to you, let me eat in peace, geez."

"Okay, then I'll talk and let you eat. Let me just clarify everything so I don't have to later. I hate explaining things 2 times, so you better listen carefully" And then Chara went on.

"First of all, the names Sans and Frisk I was mentioning are unimportant to you. The only thing you should know about Sans is that we might have to kill him if he tries to intervene in the thing I'm doing, and about that thing - I guess you'll find out as you go along."

"Killing Sans isn't neccesary, so our main objective isn't to kill him, but it would be good for both of us. And if you're wandering how any of this will help you, well, by going along with me you'll be able to finally have your body only to yourself again. If you want to get rid off me, you must also strictly listen to me as we go further."

"Because if you don't comply..."

"I'll have to kill you."


I almost started choking on a piece of pie when I heard her say this - how dare she threaten me in MY OWN body?

I sipped some water Toriel poured me, and then she continued.

"Finding another host isn't hard, just a tad annoying. So Violetta, you better listen to what I have to say, or you'll just end up like the other words I destroyed before coming into this one."

Is she serious? She destroyed other worlds? Chara is crazy! How was I so lucky to fall here in the first place?

Maybe if I leave without letting her control my body... Maybe then she'll fade away in the human world.

"I can hear what you're thinking Violetta, but sadly, that won't work, and would probably give me an easy outlet to destroy the upper world as well. So I'm basically holding your entire family and loved ones as hostage."

Chara giggled, but this time, she didn't scare me at all.

"Oh, I see. You don't feel anything towards your parents - I guess we're more alike than you think, Violetta." She continued with her annoying, childish giggle.

I hate how she can know everything about me.

"I'd hate that too if I were in your place, but continue with eating that pie - its sweet flavor feels amazing on my tongue." She continued to taunt me.

"That's my tongue. And also, I wouldn't really mind if you were to take my life. It's not like I was already planning to do it before you ruined everything." I responded fiercely in my head.

"Oh... That's right... We all fall here for the same reason, I always tend to forget that." Chara calmed down and probably got disappointed.

I can't think about other people's opinions anymore.

"I guess in that case, Violetta, we can strike A DEAL." Chara said menacingly.

"A deal?" I was intrigued.

"Yes, a deal - a deal with a demon. You heard me right."

"What does that kind of deal inquire?"

"Well, if you let me take over your bo-"

"That's not happening." I interrupted her.

"Let me finish, where are your manners? If you let me take over your body, I'll promise you a happy life."

"A happy life? Why would you do that and how?"

"The Underground isn't nearly cruel as the human world, you'll understand that later. Because the longer you are here, the more you'll want to stay here, forever. You'd borrow me your body for the entirety of this life, and I'd use it to collect the artifacts I'm looking for and transcend further, into another world, while this world would be reset so you can start everything all over again but just without me this time." Chara was giggling again, but out of excitement, because she knows what I'm longing for.

"I don't want to do it now." I was still mad at her.

"I know Violetta, but keep in mind that deal will always be available and you can sign it whenever you want in whatever situation you're in."

"But how do I know you'll not trick me?" This sounds too good to be true anyways.

"Deals can't be broken, and if one somehow manages to break it, they'll have to suffer a great punishment which simply isn't worth it in the end."

"...so Violetta, will you trust me enough to guide you through your entire journey in the Underground?"

- ✨ Writer's Notes ✨ - 

Thank you for reading so far! I hope you're enjoying this story as much I'm while writing it.

I'll tomorrow upload a bonus part of the story where you'll be able to see my pixel art iterations of Undertale characters, and my original character - Violetta.

I can't draw normally - the covers I use for chapters are taken from the internet. 

So everything in that pixel art gallery will be fully drawn by me, for a change of things.


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