9# - True Name

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"What the fuck is your problem?" Violetta was crying while I still had control over her body.

Doesn't she realize we grow stronger with each and every kill we make?

"I don't care about that shit! Give me back my own body!" She was weeping so much I couldn't even forcefully stop the tears.

"You forgot that I'm the demon that comes when people call its name."

"Why does that even matter now?"

"It matters because you said my name plenty of times during the fight with Mom."

"Stop calling her mom! You heartless being." Violetta was shouting at me out loud.

If anybody were to see us, it would look like an argument a schizophrenic would have with himself.

"She was my mom back in the day, for your information. I had a happy home down here and everything you'd ever wish for. But the only thing I was lacking was..."

"Was what?" Violetta shouted at me again.

"Fun - there's no fun nor determination in a happy world."

"You're wrong! There is, but you just didn't find it yet."

"We'll see about that. Now let's go, we have some work to do." I finally gained full control over her body again, geez.

She's so annoying at times, but now it's the time to finish the entire RUINS, to get rid of everything and everyone that witnessed my endeavors, and of course - to gain as much LOVE as possible.

After that, I'm coming towards you, brother.


And then I went on to kill everyone in the RUINS.

Violetta was surprisingly cooperative during the entire operation.

She was complaining during the first few kills, but after a while, she got used to everything I was doing to her. 

Violetta was quiet again.

I love shy obedient girls.

Now that I'm at the same place where I killed Toriel, it's time to go further into this world and finish my unsettled debt with Asriel.

"Violetta, how do you feel?" I asked her out of curiosity as I was walking down the hallway - I kinda got worried for my host.

"I'm fine." She sounded perfectly normal.

"Really? You're not bothered by everything we've done?"

"No, just lead me home. I don't care about anything you're doing anymore."

"How so? Your attitude changed entirely."

"I don't know, Chara. I stopped feeling any sympathy toward the monsters we've been killing. I'm just tired of it, I want to go home already!"

"I feel the same way. Let's continue now."

"Whatever you say, Chara, I'm so tired of this."

"I'm too, Violetta, I'm too."

ULTRAVIOLET - Undertale AUWhere stories live. Discover now