6# - My bed

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Slashing the doll felt so good, but for what reason?

"You'll understand one day." said Chara...

"My child! What are you doing? You weren't supposed to completely destroy the doll! Unbelievable." Mom was getting angry for the first time in my life, how weird.

Mom? Why is she calling her mom? And those are also my thoughts, I won't let Chara invade them!

I'll never think of that goat as my mom.

"I'll explain that to you another time that too-" Chara said but got interrupted by Toriel.

"Nevermind, my child. Let's head to the next room. As you know, the Underground is full of monsters that are naturally hostile towards humans, therefore, it's also full of traps that are placed there to..." And Toriel went on while I zoned out in Violetta's body.

Listening to Toriel over and over again is so boring. I wonder if Violetta can even hear these thoughts that I'm currently having because we literally share the same body and mind and everything else.

I don't know what happened that caused another human to fall into the Underground, wasn't Frisk supposed to be next? By that logic, I should've occupied her body instead of Violetta's, or in the second case, the time skip should've been much larger if another actual human was about to fall down by any chance.

This is all getting pretty interesting - I'm glad that we didn't encounter Sans, which can mean that he's either completely unaware of this change in timelines or that he's watching from a distance, waiting for my next move.

At least the weapons I have aren't weak at all. Frisk only had a stick and a bandage, while Violetta has that powerful notebook which can negate damage if hurt beforehand, and those glasses have an even higher invulnerability effect than the notebook itself.

This next experiment is about to be very, very interesting...

"Chara! Chara! Wake up, for fuck sake." I heard Violetta calling my name - I must've fallen asleep or something.

But as the demon that comes when people call its name, I must respond.

"What Violetta?"

"Don't you see where we are?"

"Let me take a closer look..." "Oh my! This used to be my bed!" I got excited, so I impulsively took over Violetta's body.

"Hey, get out of my body! And how is this your room? What are you talking about Chara."

"I'll explain it to you some other day, but I spent here more time than you can even imagine."

"Is that why you were calling Toriel mom, and who are those people you've been mentioning while talking to yourself?"

"Damn, you heard me?"

"Well only a little bit, because I was trying to focus on what Toriel has been saying."

"Did you eat the pie without me?"

"How do you know that she baked a pie? Geez, you're so unpredictable."

"I told you already! I've been here more than you can imagine."

"If you say so. But you still didn't answer any of my questions."

"I guess it would be alright to answer them, but let me just check few things while I'm still using your body."

"I guess I'm fine with that, but how can I get you out of my body, and how do I escape this world later on?"

"I'm not leaving your body unless I'm done with some unfinished business in this world." Chara said as she was looking for something in the closet, and after that, she went through the drawers, and she even kneeled down to look for something under them and under the bed.

She's so weird.

"What's that unfinished business you have to do?"

"I already told you, we have to kill someone, Violetta. No big deal."

"I don't want to kill anyone, you crazy demon!", "Get out of my body!" I shouted at Chara, taking control over my body again and finally sitting and then lying down on my bed.

She tried to fight for control, but it looks like she can only control me while I'm afraid of something.

"Hey! Give me back my body!" Chara argued with me.

"It's not your body. Holy shit, leave me alone!" She was really starting to get on my nerves that I started swearing, which never happens since girls don't swear.

"Also Violetta, I'm not crazy, but I admit to being a demon." Chara said in a calmer manner.

"Yeah I know that you're "the demon that comes when people call its name". But how come I never called your name and you still came into my body?"

"Well that's because of one of my experiments that went sorta wrong. I'm not supposed to be stuck in you, but it's better this way anyways."

A knock on the door could be heard, and a long pause between Chara and me could be heard as we were just both focusing on the door and what the other person behind it would say.

"My child, the butterscotch pie is ready. I hope I'm not waking you up." Toriel said through the closed door.

"Good, it's just mom." Said Chara in my head.

"I'm awake Miss Toriel, I'll come right away." I responded loudly.

"Just call her mom, for crying out loud." Chara started interrupting my thoughts again.

"Okay my child. Just to remind you not to be afraid to call me mom, only if you want to though." She said and then went to the kitchen to wait for me to come.

"You see Violetta, it will be more comfortable for all 3 of us to just call her mom."

"Just shut up already Chara!"

She's so annoying...

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