23# - Prince from the Dark

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As soon as I heard Chara's words, I readied my blade and went straight for his neck.

Gaster, or better said, Ralsei saw that coming, taking out the exact replica of my knife from his pocket and deflecting my attack.

It felt like hitting a mirror - he would mimic my moves while also moving in the same line as me.

I couldn't escape him!

His attacks were perfectly coordinated with mine.

I tried slashing him, stabbing him, or even thrusting the blade through his heart, but whenever I did that, it almost happened to me too, unless I dodged it.

His secret weapon is mimicry!

I dashed so many times at him, but he'd always do the same, forcing me to retreat.

I was already out of breath, and I'm not even close to beating him! I need to take a break for a moment, so since he will do exactly what I'm doing, at least he won't attack me.

What can I even do about this?

Think Violetta! Think!

Look around and try to see if there's anything you can use against him...

Or if there's anything being used against you.

The eyes.

The eyes on the Judgment Hall's windows! They have been following me the entire time!

The eyes are casting their judgement on me, I can feel it. And I can also feel them every time I try to do anything against their master.

But how do I get rid of them?

The windows are too big for me to break them, but if I were to do that...

Ralsei would mimic my behavior!

He's much stronger and taller, so if he hits a window, it will definitely destroy it.

It can't hurt to try.

I was still standing still until I started walking to the first window to my right - Ralsei did the exact same thing.

I punched the window with my hand to see if he'd do the same thing, and to my surprise he did.

The only gross part about is that I'm literally touching the eyes that are all over these windows. It just feels wrong to even look at them.

But that's not important now!

I started kicking the window as hard as I could without harming myself, and Ralsei followed.

After a while, I heard glass shatter, and when I took a look at him again, he actually destroyed one of the windows.

Great! But now I have to repeat the process for every one of them...

There are about 14 of them if you count both sides, this means it'll take me a lot of time to do it, but even then, what after that?

Will he start using his free will, or will I fight a soulless dummy?

And what will I do with the last window? The problem is that I can't make him destroy the last window since I wouldn't have one for myself that the eyes could use as a reference.

He can't literally copy every one of my moves, but if I do something unpredictable that even the eyes can't see...

I gave up on breaking the glass and started running as fast as possible towards Ralsei.

He was standing still, waiting for my attack, but instead of attacking him, I ran past him and went straight through the doorway he was blocking in the first place.

I could hear his heavy steps from behind me, and then I turned around to see him maniacally chasing me with a knife!

I wanted to stop in the hallway to kill him where there were no eyes but to my surprise, they were with us, I just didn't notice them until I looked up.

The ceiling was full of the same expressionless eyes that had terrorized me since the beginning of my journey with Chara.

It looks like I'll actually have to be unpredictable.

I went straight for the Asgore's throne room which was empty? But that didn't matter at the moment since Ralsei was still rushing at me at full speed.

I headed for the main window, but Asgore's chair was in the way, so I decided to jump over it instead of going around it.

Then Ralsei did the same thing, but instead of falling gracefully and rolling onto the golden flower beds like me, he tripped because he was significantly bigger, bringing the entire chair down with him.

I then quickly threw myself onto my back like a turtle and then as he was falling head first onto me, I pushed him with my strong thick legs into the main window that broke as it absorbed the full momentum Ralsei gathered while chasing me and then falling straight into my trap.

In the human world, I always wanted to have a big ass, so I went to the gym frequently, where my legs, especially thighs, reached a quite bulky size and strength that saved my life.

They were still gentle and elegant though, not visibly muscular.

This is why girls with big asses are the best! Big tits will only slow you down and make your life way more miserable.

"Excuses, excuses." Chara said.

"Knock it off! And admire my ass for once~" I responded lusciously. 

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