14# - Spider Sensation

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"It's so hot in here!"

"Yeah, I know, Violetta. The weather in Hotlands is always hot no matter what season."

"I guess that makes sense, though, but still! This is too much for me."

"Stop whining for once, and just let's go." Chara said while taking my body on a trip through Hotlands.

We went through some weird kind of elevator that elevated us to the top floor where there were actually people, or better said, monsters. She chitchatted with a few of them along the way to get as much information as possible on Mettaton, his shows, and Alphys. Most people didn't want to bother answering her question because Chara's obviously a human - monsters and humans don't have a quite nice mutual history.

After walking around for who knows how long and constantly switching between floors, Chara seemed to finally find the thing she was looking for.

"There it is! You see that purple area? There's our next enemy."

"Why do we need to kill more people, aren't we powerful enough?"

"It's true, Violetta, that we don't really need to kill as much as I would without you - your soul provides me a greater strength than being on my own, but still, increasing LOVE is quite important if we plan to progress further."

"If you say so, Chara... Why does it feel like something is biting our foot?"

"No way!" Chara screamed out loud and kicked several spiders running up her feet while biting her ankles.

They wanted to enter her socks and other clothing, so she panicked severely, making sure to fend them all off while she could.

"Ah shit! Violetta, you take care of this. I'll be your eyes." Chara said, giving the control of my body back to me.

"Why now? The fuck?" I complained, but there was no time for that since we got entangled into a spider web almost instantly as she gave me control over my body. The webs lifted me up high in the air, and spiders crawled everywhere around my body and face, it was truly disgusting!

It's so disgusting that even the demon that comes when its name is called is afraid of it.

Ugh, I guess I'll handle this somehow, but I don't like spiders either!

"Ahuhuhuhu..." a squeaky voice said from the darkness.

"I know, Violetta! And no, I'm not leaving everything up to you because I'm afraid of spiders. It's a completely different reason though."

"Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhu..." It seems like there's somebody standing on top of a web in front of me!

Then, the said creature revealed itself. And for the entire time, it looked like an anthropomorphic spider was talking to me - getting ready to devour me any second now!

When she showed up, all the spiders completely disappeared from my body and went to her side. I was covered in the web, it was so sticky and gooey - it felt really inappropriate, especially since I was tied up so hard that I couldn't move. The only parts of me that were not covered by the web were my breasts and ass.

"Did you hear what he just said?"

"He said a human wearing a striped shirt will come through."

"I heard that they hate spiders."

"I heard that they love to stomp on them."

"I heard that they like to tear their legs off."

"I heard..."

"... that they're awfully stingy with their money."


"You think your taste is too refined for our pastries, don't you, deary? Ahuhuhu... I disagree with that notion. I think your taste... Is exactly what this next batch needs!" The crazy spider lady stopped with her talking to herself or her spider friends, and then she crawled the webs until she was right behind me.

She's so schizophrenic, geez.

I could feel her hot breath hit my neck - I couldn't see her, but since she had three pairs of arms, she started groping me everywhere she could.

Starting off with my boobs, my ass, and then my pussy.

"Ah!" I moaned while trying to resist her perversions.

"You won't get away with this! I hope you- Ah! Know this- Ah!" I felt so violated - her thin spider-like fingers touched all of my female private parts while Chara was ignoring the entire situation - the spider creature was taking away my pride, and the only thing I could do was endure it with my moans.

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