11# - Curious Eyes

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"Uoagh......." Where even am I?

I woke up lying down on a log trunk.

How weird, Chara probably fell asleep here, and since I was already so unconscious of everything - it looks like I woke up before her and got control over my body again!

How wonderful, but, to be honest.

I think I'll just continue resting.

I just want to sleep TwT.

And as I was just about to close my eyes, I saw a pair of eyes looking directly at me from the small frosty pond.

What's this now? Holy shit!

They're literally staring at me nonchalantly - how do I even deal with this?

Maybe it's a figment of my imagination, or maybe it's a.. monster... wanting to kill me?


I got up from the trunk and sped even further down the hill.

I wasn't even thinking about looking back, my goal was just to get away from that pond as much as I could without having to see those eyes again.

They were so scary... Geez. Big eyes with strong dark pupils, it's like it was straight out of a horror movie.

And as I was carelessly running down the hill, I tripped onto some branch or whatever the fuck was in my way, and I just started falling down the hill like a doll.

That dummy from the RUINS probably manifested this upon me after I- or better said so, Chara, smashed it into pieces.

After miraculously missing every tree that was in my way, luck didn't hold me for much longer as my body absorbed all the generated force from the fall by hitting a tree.

And to be exact, the lower part of my fucking spine hit the tree so hard - even a pinecone fell onto my head as a result of it.

Chara would make so much fun of me in this situation, I'm so glad she isn't here.

"You bet I would." No way, she's awake!

"When did you wake up? Huh? You demon!"

"Literally just now! Do you know how much does this hurt? We share the same body, dumbass."

"That's true, but come on, you won't believe me what I saw up there."

"What? You saw something at the pond we were sleeping at? You were probably hallucinating, you know."

"No, I saw a pair of curious eyes looking directly at me underneath the water."


"Why are you silent now? I told you it was scary!"

"What color were the eyes?"

"They were black as night."

"Oh, for fuck saaaaaaake." Chara was terrifyingly quiet - it looked like she knew what was going on, but she wouldn't tell me?

"Violetta... Do you see what I see?" She asked me, and then I saw what she was talking about.

The forest was incredibly dark, even though we were near the end of the hill, there was that same pair of eyes staring at us.

Coming closer.

And closer?

To us???

"AAAAAAAH" I screamed like a stereotypical blonde in a horror movie and just headed for the same path I was falling down towards.

"Violetta! I know that's awfully scary but please! For the love of God, just follow my instructions, okay? I know how to get us out of this."

"Will you explain everything later then, Chara? Huh!"

"I will, I swear this time!"

"Okay! Tell me where to go!"

I finally broke out of the giant forest and the neverending hill.

When I felt a flat, solid ground, I made a run for it and started sprinting towards a little cave opening to which Chara guided me to.

And there, we were greeted by a strange man on a boat.

The cave had an exit to a river where there was a strange hooded man on a boat waiting for us.

Even though I don't trust Chara with everything, this time my gut told me I should go with this strange man no matter what.

"Tra la la. I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" Said the hooded figure.

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