12# - Tra la la

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Why does this priest figure have a goat stench?

"Don't question that, Violetta. I swear to God I'll explain that later too."

"You believe in God?" Geez, what a poser.

"Shut the fu-"

"Tra la la. Beware of the man who came from the other world." The river person said all of a sudden, as we were already somewhere in the middle of the river, far away from the threat that was coming to us.

"Oh, thanks for the warning. We were just running away from something like that."

"You idiot!" Chara was mad for some reason?

"Uh..." Said the river person confusingly.

"Aaaaaaaaaa" Chara was acting weird too.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked them both.

"How did that man look?" I could hear his voice tremble.

"It wasn't really a man, just a pair of eyes staring me down everywhere I went."

"Oh, you idiot!" The man said that to me?

"What did you just say-" I got cut off by a veil of darkness coming from the sky on our little boat.

"Stay back." The river person signaled with his hand for me to stay behind him.

"You see, Violetta, it looks like we're in great danger. So get a hold of your notebook, and do as I say since I can't control you at this moment."

I took the notebook out of my pocket, and then I saw countless pairs of eyes fill the water beneath us.

The river man looked as shocked as I was - I felt fear every time I looked at any of those eyes, the feeling was so immense that it felt like it was going to take over my heart.

"It can't do that as long as I'm inside your SOUL, but the problem is that it can drown us if we aren't careful enough." Chara responded to what I was thinking about.

The eyes filled the fog of darkness that surrounded our boat, so it was impossible to look away from them - they were underneath, in front, and above us!

Tiny pairs of eyes with deep black pupils that feel like they can take your soul and completely erase you from existence if you stare enough at them.

The river person took something out of his pocket that made a giant flashing yellow light - it looked like some sort of a magical torch or something similar. I couldn't really tell because the light was so bright, but it looked like it was making them disappear as the light grew stronger and stronger.

"Now's our chance, Violetta!" No! Wait! What did you say, Chara? Please don't do anything ridiculous.

And at that moment, I fell victim to Chara's mind games and manipulation - fear of her filled my body, and then she was able to fully equip it to her will.

Chara then, with the notebook in hand, raised her right leg completely up with her knee in front of her while raising herself on her toes with her left leg. Then she threw a serious kick at the river man's back and that way attacked him from behind.

Kicking him, she made him fall straight into the water, directly onto the deadly curious eyes that were surrounding us.

A big splash was made, which shook the boat, while I was screaming in my head, pleading Chara to stop doing this to everyone we encounter.

I was basically having a mental breakdown while she was giggling like a little girl.

"But how will we get out now? You need to learn how to think, Chara! Fucking hell." I was so mad at her.

"Don't worry, Violetta. I know how to steer a boat, and plus, that river man was an intruder I had to get rid of. If he stayed alive, he would've mentioned to the others that I'm here, which would make us both die."

"What about the eyes, then? Huh!"

"Don't you see Violetta? They're going away, and if you're wondering why - that's because we sacrificed the river man to the eye spirit following us. He didn't die, but rather he got erased from this worldline, and who knows when we will see him again. 

And for the spirit, its name is W.D. Gaster or just Gaster for short. He knows that I've invaded this world, and his duty is to stop me, but he isn't the most sentient being out there - think of him as half-human, half-animal. He's aware of his research mission to collect all of his pieces shattered through time and space, but at the same time, he is acting purely based on his instincts, just like any typical forest animal. 

Gaster accepted our sacrifice mostly because it was otherworldly, the river man's name is Ralsei, and he was back in the day a Dark Prince - back in the day before reaching this worldline, where he obviously doesn't belong. Sans and his brother, Papyrus, don't belong here either. Don't ask how they all ended up here, it's a long story. 

But what's important is that I'm also a part of it, and you too. 

You're the reincarnation of the first kid who held the PERSEVERANCE trait, or soul, to be exact. 

She or he died tragically, but she was so strong that she managed to blind one eye of the greatest royal guard in the Underground. I don't know her name, and I never met her, but you are her reincarnation - meaning you've already been here and met most of the people living here, including Mom, Flowey, Sans, and probably Ralsei too. 

You see, Violetta, this world is very very interesting and therefore it shouldn't exist. 

It's a world forged in the chaos of timelines caused by the Great Royal Scientist - W.D. Gaster, who fell into his creation and shattered himself through countless timelines and parallel universes. 

Each year he's stronger and stronger, including me too, who's sought to destroy him and take rule over all timelines so I can be the queen of time and space."

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