22# - Omen

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So this is the Judgement Hall?

Once I stepped into it, I could already see someone waiting for me in the middle of it.

It wasn't Sans, nor was it Flowey, but it looked like to be someone third.


Me and Chara thought the same thing at the same time.

We came closer to him to see that it wasn't Gaster, but rather Ralsei, the River Man, who we threw into that river as a sacrifice to Gaster.

"Tra la la, why don't you sing with me? Tra la la." He said.

I drew the knife out of my pocket, ready for any surprise attacks.

But then, with my peripheral vision, I saw that hundreds of eyes had appeared on the windows of the Judgement Hall, staring directly at me.

They were staring me down, and I started feeling a little bit lethargic.

I need to figure out what is that thing! Damn it.

Why did the eyes appear again, and why do I feel so weak?

"They're draining our Determination, it's Gaster again. Fight or die, Violetta." Chara said to me.

I see how it is then.

"I will sing with you, Ralsei."

"Tra la la, really?"

"Only if you let me accompany my singing with dancing."

"Tra la la, only if it's elegant."

"Fair enough, tra la la."

I started singing while starting to dance like a ballerina.

Even though I was never a professional dancer, my moves were still exquisite enough to keep any man's attention, especially of a being that's missing their other part of consciousness.

I spun and twirled in so many beautiful ways.

While the hundreds of curious eyes kept their attention on me.

The audience was bigger than what they promised.

And when I finally managed to get closer to Gaster, I stopped dancing.

I was centred right symmetrically in the middle of the room, facing him head first.

We were only separated by a few meters, and the tension was high.

"Hallelujah." I put my hands in prayer, closing my eyes.

"Lock and load." Chara answered my call.

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