24# - Your Best Nightmare

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I finally got rid of him.

The glass shards barely even scratched me, and all my clothes were intact.

Which is very important if I happen to stumble across some hot guy that may be my future husband.

My ass probably looked so good during the fight! I bet it was the main thing that distracted Ralsei while he was chasing me.

"Wow, Violetta. I never saw such a big ass." A weird yellow talking flower popped out from the rest just to sexually harass me?

"I know! Wanna touch?"

"Golly! Of course I do."

"Those tentacles of yours will be handy some other time. But, now it's your time to die!"

I took my knife out of the pocket and went straight for the flower's head.

"Not so fast! I sold my soul to him, need I remind you?" Flowey said.

"To who?"

"To God."

His face went missing, and all flowers from the flowerbeds started extending until they reached my knee height.

I tried to run away from the room, but the doorway got blocked by the giant flower roots.

And the flowers continued to rise and expand like water in a sunken car.

"I won't let you drown me!" I said while cutting up everything that was in the way of me escaping.

As I saw that there was no point in reaching the main door, I turned back and headed straight for the window.

The more flowers I cut, the faster they'd start growing, but once I got to the window, I noticed that the fall would be fatal for me.

The rough wind was hitting my face as I stood on the window frame to look down at the ground.

Then I got an idea again!

Hopefully, it works...

I took one of the flowers and then tied it around my wrist, and with the knife in my other hand, I jumped from the window, going straight for a free fall while tied to one of Flowey's parts.

The throne room was definitely 80 meters high, if not more! But the stretchability and lengthiness of Flowey's counterpart kept me alive and almost dislocated my wrist as I reached its maximum upon falling.

It pulled me once like a bungee rope, but when I had to fall for the second time, it broke completely, sentencing me to a 30 meter free fall!

I then took a piece of paper from the notebook and cut one of my wrists to let some of my blood.

This activated the invulnerability effect, which made me absorb the fall damage.

I was a little bit confused at first since I still kinda felt the impact upon the fall but not any pain.

The entire castle was magnificently tall, it was built on some really big flat surface that now I'm stuck on.

I started walking away from the castle, and then I entered this grassy field, which was suspiciously quiet.

I was thinking about what I should do in this situation because if Ralsei is dead, that probably means that I also have to get rid of Flowey and everyone else who gave their soul to Gaster.

I really don't have the time for this, but there isn't any other way.

And right as I thought that I heard something swivel up from behind me.

I instinctually turned around towards the sound with the knife in my hand, and then one of Flowey's roots went straight for my eyes. I dropped to my right side to avoid the attack, cutting the root in the motion, but then I heard another one from my other side.

And then another one from the front!

I made sure to cut up both with such precision that it made me roll backwards.

Then I pushed myself out of the roll and jumped high in the air to avoid a couple more of them that I already heard coming.

When I dropped onto the ground, I started spinning to cut all of the violent roots and vines that surrounded me or that spiraled straight at me.

Fighting with them was so tiring because I always had to come up with some new move to avoid multiple of them at once. 

All that went smoothly until I was finally caught off guard.

When I landed on the ground again after jumping high in the air to avoid them, one of them caught me low by the ankle, pulling me down towards him and making me fall directly onto my face. I carved my knife into the ground to stop myself, but the roots were so strong that they lifted me up without a problem as it was extending itself from the ground.

More and more golden flowers started coming out of the ground with multiple roots connected to each one of them.

Basically, the same thing was happening as in the throne room, but this time at least they couldn't suffocate me.

The root was still holding me tightly by my ankle upside down, but it was too far from my reach, so I couldn't even cut it with my knife.

"Well, I guess this is how it ends." I muttered to myself.

"Don't be so upset, Violetta, Chara, or whatever your name is." Said the only golden flower with the face.

"You again, huh?"

"You did a lot of damage to me and my friends."

"You're talking about all the flowers I cut?"

"Yes, now you'll suffer the same fate as them." When he said that, the root that was holding my ankle was accompanied by another root which started slithering along my leg and then into my underwear.

"You can't do this! Get off me."

"Stop me. I don't control any of my actions anyways."

"Ah.. Ah... Oh my god! If you weren't touching me where you shouldn't.... Maybe I'd let you live! Ah!" While moaning out of forced pleasure, I threw the knife straight at Flowey's face, and it hit right between his eyes.

"Oh............. I wasn't expecting such an uncanny move. Farewell, human." Flowey lost his face again and turned into a blank flower.

The tentacles touching my private parts finally stopped, and the other one even let my ankle go, which made me fall straight onto my face.

All the roots, flowers, and vines that were scattered through this big grassy field started turning to dust as I watched Flowey's soul shatter.

It was really windy today, and there was A LOT of dust everywhere.

I could barely see for some time, so I closed and covered my eyes to not get permanently blinded.

But when I opened them again, I saw another figure my height appear right in front of me.

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