17# - Sushi Massacre

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"Give me everything you got!" I told Undyne and then took one of her magic spears out of the ground, stabbing Mettaton Ex's heart and shattering his soul into pieces!


I felt the surge of power coming over my body as I was finally ready to perform instead of letting Chara do everything for me.

I have the demon's eyes! The demon that comes when its name is called is me!

My LOVE increased as I absorbed Mettaton's soul, and then dozens of spears started flying directly towards me!

I then started spinning the spear and deflected every one of her spear attacks, launching directly at her with the spear in hand.

I didn't go straight for her since it would be obvious so she'd dodge the attack, so I aimed for her right side, at the height of her heart!

But then she turned left to attack me from behind.

"Luck isn't on your side today." Undyne said in a calm manner, regardless of the intensity of the fight.

I turned around and deflected her spear, which she thrust at me.


I was so agile and ofc elegant!

We then got into a sword fight with our spears which was more intense than I thought it would be.

We toured the entire room by constantly dodging, deflecting, and attacking one another.

Her attacks were always direct and full of force.

While mine were elegant and full of perseverance.

My plan wasn't to kill her but rather to emotionally drain her.

And then, I noticed Alphys was still standing at the entrance of the entire place, looking over, scared as shit who'll kill who - so I did the unthinkable.

I deflected what was about to be Undyne's last blow, and then I threw my spear directly at Alphys heart.

It hit so perfectly that she immediately started turning into dust - her soul was shattered, and I could already feel more power I gathered from her and her life work.

"NO!" Undyne turned to see Alphys die - and in the last moment before completely vanishing, Alphys made a heart out of her hands before they disappeared.

"Sorry, I didn't know she loved you." I said calmly, taking the notebook out of my pocket and thrusting it at paralyzed Undyne.

She turned to me the same second I decapitated her - looking in disbelief at what I did.

Her head rolled onto the ground.

Now she'll be able to look at Alphys as much as she wants since that decision cost her entire life and legacy.

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