#8 - Heartbreak

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"Of course... Not" I bet her smile faded away.

"Wait, what." She was shocked indeed.

"You hear me right. I don't want to trust you, I'll find my own way home and get rid of you when I leave the Underground."

"You can't be serious? Huh, I thought I was persuasive..."

"You are more scary than persuasive, Chara." I finally finished my meal, and Chara went quiet for the first time in a while.

I don't get what's her problem, but it looks like I'll have to get used to her presence in my life, for now, at least.

"Hey, Toriel. When will I be able to leave the Underground." I struck up a conversation while she was picking up my dishes.

I was still sitting at the table, looking directly at her while she was trying to avoid eye contact.

"Uh, my child. There's this cool book about snails and stuff..." She said nervously.

"I don't care about snails, I'd really want to go home. What will my mom think of this?" This way, she'll feel bad and actually let me go, even though my mom would never even attempt to care about me.

I still found it funny.

"Uh, I guess that would be a problem, my child. But wait, Mom needs to do something really quick. Stay on your seat."

Did she really call herself mom?

"Heh, you aren't really that different from me after all, Violetta." Chara reappeared in my head again.

"I'm nothing like you and never will be! What do you want now?" She's so annoying.

"You should go after her, otherwise, you'll stay here FOREVER." 

"Really, Chara?" Uh, oh. She wasn't even responding to me anymore.

I have no clue what's she trying to do, but it doesn't look good either way.

I listened to her and went after Toriel, she probably went into those long hallways under the house from which she escorted me out when I went down there to check whether there was something interesting or not.

This time, she wasn't there to stop me from dwelling further.

And as I went on down and down, I could finally see the large purple doors with some weird insignia on them and Toriel in front of them.

"You want to leave so badly?" She started talking.


"You are just like the others."

"There is only one solution to this."

"Prove yourself..."

"Prove to me you are strong enough to survive."

What is she doing? Is she trying to fight me? Everything is getting black and white again, and I can see my soul!

Toriel blocks the way!

I took my notebook out of my pocket, and I adjusted my glasses to see Toriel better.

She started then immediately throwing fireballs straight at me, which severely burned me at first.

The fight continued without her saying anything, but I could see on her face that she was desperate just to keep me alone, with her, in the RUINS.

But I won't let that happen!

I jumped towards her with the notebook in my hand, and I managed to cut her arm slightly.

She was even more surprised now, so I got more fireballs my way.

I dodged most of them before the last one hit me straight between my eyes.

The glasses protected my sight, but my head hurt a lot.

I hope Chara is feeling everything I'm - that would be a huge relief...

Toriel was difficult to fight against. She wouldn't stop with her fireballs, and I was too tired to continue dodging them. Everything hurt. I felt like dying, which, to be honest, wouldn't be such a bad option considering all of this. Stupid Chara forced me into taking this path, she directed me to go fight Toriel and risk my life for her stupid plans! Who knows what's she hiding? After all that happened, I was right not to trust Chara!

I will start sparing Toriel instead, I can't continue like this...

Toriel looked through me as I was sparing her.

"What are you doing?" She was surprised.

Toriel took a deep breath.

"Attack or run away!"

"What are you proving this way? Fight me or leave!"

"Stop it! Stop looking at me that way. Go away!"

I kept sparing her, and she just went quiet after an episode of shouting, she was still shooting her fireballs, but they were avoiding instead of hitting me.

And then, she finally broke the silence.

"I know you want to go home, but..."

"But please... go upstairs now."

"I promise I will take good care of you."

"I know we do not have much, but..."

"We can have a good life here."

She broke down into tears, with her shy reassuring smile fading away into a frown.

"Why are you making this so difficult? Please, go upstairs..."

She started laughing midst tears.

"Ha ha, pathetic, is it not? I cannot save even a single child..."

"No, I understand. You would just be unhappy, trapped down here."

I think we're both starting to understand each other more.

Oh my, poor Toriel. I shouldn't have done this.

"The RUINS are very small once you get used to them. It would not be right for you to grow up in a place like this."

"My expectations."

"My loneliness."

"My fear."

"For you, my child... I will put them aside."

"Perfect!" Chara said through me?!

Then while controlling my body, she jumped towards Toriel, going straight for her head with my notebook!

I managed to regain a little bit of control over my body, so I moved a little bit my arm to the side to stop her from killing Toriel, but instead of directly decapitating her, we hit the lower part of her neck - cutting down into her shoulder and then into her chest, which would give her enough time to say her last words.

"My child... You.... Went straight... for my head?" She smiled while bleeding out to death, looking straight into my teary eyes.

"Hi mom, didn't see you for a while." Chara wiped my tears away and started smiling, putting both of her arms happily behind her back.

"Oh! It's... You! Chara... My child..." Toriel looked down at the ground, holding herself in a kneeling position as she was about to fade away.

"Any last words? I'll tell Asriel you said hi." Chara started giggling, putting one of her hands up to her mouth to cover it.

"He... was... right.... You really... came back..."


Toriel's soul shattered, fading away and leaving just a meaningless pile of dust.

We won, Violetta!

Our LOVE increased.


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