5# - Anticipation

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"HOLY SHIT." Shit! Did I really say this out loud? And why do I hear a little girl chuckle in my head, am I insane?

"Oh! My child, that's such an inappropriate language. But we'll work on that.", "Uh, but nevertheless. I'm Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins." said Toriel.

What a weird name for an anthropomorphic goat.

"Hi... I'm Violetta, nice to meet you miss." I responded quietly, looking down at my feet.

"I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time. So come! I will guide you through the catacombs." Said the goat frantically as she started heading to another room.

I followed her because I had no choice, that weird flower can pop up anytime while she's gone and take care of me unless something starts taking over my body again.

The next room we went to looked like it was the entrance to the Ruins.

It was a giant purple brick wall hallway with a red flower bed in the middle of the stairs that led to the same doorway. I went the opposite one of Toriel to take a better look at her because, in my world, there are no such things as humane goats.

When we went into the next room, she started rambling about some traps and puzzles I need to solve for some reason.

I started zoning out because it was incredibly boring, but I was still able to follow her just enough to satisfy her sadistic thinking puzzles.

I hate math!

"Yeah, I hate math as well." said an unknown female voice in my head.

"Why do they even teach that at school?" I responded unconsciously.

"I don't know, I finished school a while ago tho." Said the fema- Wait a second???

"Wait a second... Who am I even talking to? I'm not making up these responses?" I responded scaredly.

"Oh my bad. I didn't introduce myself. My name is Chara, the demon that comes when people call its name. Nice to me-"

"YOU'RE A WHAT? GET OUT OF MY HEAD." I interrupted Chara. Why is there a demon in my head anyways? The fuck?

"Holy shit, relax! I'll not take your soul or anything."

"Are you a male or a female demon?"

Why is she even asking me this? This girl is clearly insane. Chara thought to herself, not knowing I can also hear what she's thinking about.

"I'm female!"

"Hmm, how do I know you're telling the truth?"

"How can I prove to you that I'm a female demon? Don't you hear my voice?"

"You have a point there... But get out of my head!"

"I can't do that! How are you expecting that to happen?"

"I don't know, I DON'T KNOW. I don't want to share a body with you."

"Well too bad Violetta, get used to it, because I'm not going anywhere even if you wanted to."

"But why?"

"Because I need to kill someone, and I'll use you as a vessel to do that."

"Kill? Are you insane? I don't want to take someone's life."

"In this world, it's either kill or be killed." Said Chara and Toriel at the same time, their voices perfectly synced with one another, like she already knew the entire Toriel's dialogue.

"Are you listening Violetta?" Said Toriel with an annoyed facial expression.

"Yes! Of course ma'am!"

"Ma'am? I'm not that old. You can call me mom instead." She laughed.

There ain't no way I'm calling this goat my mom.

"But first, go talk to that dummy and practice talking." When she said that, I turned to my right to see a barely intact dummy standing alone in the middle of the room.

"See that dummy Violetta? Let me show you how it's done." Chara said out of a sudden, taking control over my entire body again.

"Huh, let go of me! I want full control over my own body." But that didn't matter because Chara took the notebook I was always carrying with me, dashing towards that poor dummy. 

She then slashed the dummy in half with that notebook like she was using a katana - phasing through it, smiling the entire time.

I felt her adrenaline rush because we possess the same body.

And to be honest.

Maybe actually killing someone feels even better.

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