20# - The Locket

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"Tell me Chara, where are we going now?"

"We are going to kill Sans and to also get something very important to me, darling."

"Did- Did you just call me darling?

"Maybe, don't blush so easily. Don't try imagining us as a yuri couple or I'll slit your throat."

"Uhhhhh.... Too late for that."

"Oh Violetta! You pervert!"

We were heading through this large grey hall that led to an elevator that we entered shortly after reaching the end of the hall.

It took us to a setting that looked like an identical copy of the RUINS, but it was grey, and it gave this dried expression of lifelessness.

It was quite a depressing sight, to be honest.

"It truly is depressing Violetta, now let's go and get that thing of mine."

We entered a home that was identical to Toriel's, and then we got into the room that resembled mine, or better say Chara's room from the RUINS.

There were two presents on the floor, and Chara opened them both.

One present contained a heart locket, while the other one had a worn dagger - quite a strange choice of items if you ask me.

"No silly, this is my personal locket, and this is a real knife." She said while pointing to both items while putting them on us.

But she made sure to feel the knife's sharpness by going over the front part with the tip of her finger, luckily it didn't cut her at all.

It was weird that she didn't even want to open the locket to see the thing she holds so dear next to her heart, but I'll do it instead later.

"You know I can hear you, right?"

"Yes, I know, we're the one and the same. I'm dire to know everything about you."

"One and the same? Is that so?"

"Yeah, aren't we Chara?"

"I guess we are."

"How are those two items yours though?"

"They belonged to me before I died."

"That's fascinating! I can feel your adrenaline rush, just so you know."

"Geez, I'm not that excited Chara."

"Then let's go kill Sans! This will be so fun."

"You really changed over the past week, Violetta. I'll give you props for that."

"Now that you mention last week... Do you remember Gaster?"

"I do, I planned to warn you about him before going into this fight with Sans. Also, keep your eye on Flowey because he's on their side."

"We plan to destroy the world, Chara? Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Then at least let's do it together."

"It would be my pleasure Violetta."

"Let's go then Chara! We have no time to waste. It's time to put an end to all of this."

"It truly is. That means we will be separating soon."

"Really? I didn't know time passed that quickly."

"I know Violetta, but one day we might meet again. You'll be so powerful you'll be able to do whatever you want! It's so weird you don't have any ulterior motives."

"I don't know Chara - hanging out with you has just been too fun to think about anything else. I'm having the best time of my life."

"Rarely anyone who has any business with a demon like that has the guts to say that. You truly are different."

"The demon that comes when its name is called - Chara."

"That's right. Now let's go, Violetta."

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