16# - Death by Perseverance

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"Violetta, I hope you're ready for this." I'm Chara, let's go!

"Don't you like my new body, darling?" Mettaton Ex said from a distance.

His new body was absolutely gorgeous! I don't know why did he have to conserve himself in that box for the entire time, but damn, I wish I had curves like Mettaton Ex.

I'm his number one fan!

"Shut up Violetta! He is our enemy, you'll fangirl over him when we end his life."

"The viewers want to know who's Violetta, darling. And especially why you talk to yourself so much? I don't want it to affect my ratings."

"Violetta is someone special to me..." Aw.

"Someone special that I'll use to END YOUR LIFE." Chara dashed towards Mettaton Ex to attack his gorgeous body with our notebook.

Mettaton Ex laughed in his robotic voice and kicked us straight into the stomach with ultimate precision.

"Shit!" He took our breath, both figuratively and literally speaking!

Mettaton Ex was fast and coordinated, he was a strong opponent for us since we weren't able to farm more souls.

"Don't be so confused, darling. Our ratings are going to fall." The spotlights shined both onto him and me at the same time.

"Fuck your stupid ratings!" Chara screamed and ripped a piece of paper from the notebook.

She cut our wrist with it so hard that the blood was starting to come out of it pretty fast.

It hurt like hell, but Chara probably knows what she's doing, I'll leave it up to her!

"And you couldn't be more right." Chara smiled and went running straight towards Mettaton Ex again.

"Oh my, darling. Swearing and blood aren't the best for television. Common courtesy, if you excuse me."

She got close to Mettaton, and then he hit her again with his heel, but this time we didn't feel anything, even completely negating the knockback!

Then Chara swung the notebook, and before he could return his leg back to his body - his arm received a fatal blow, so fatal that his arm came out of its robotic socket.

His pupils disappeared at the time of the blow, and an explosion could be heard from the insides of his body.

Mettaton Ex's system was malfunctioning!

"Oh, darling!" He said, and then when I went in for the second hit onto his torso, his other hand went straight to my head which nailed us to the ground.

"Roll to the right!" I informed Chara, who rolled to the side to avoid his boot that went straight for my head!

"Take this fucker." Chara swung the notebook, hitting his hip and making him go a couple of steps backwards.

"Nuh uh, darling." And then another fatal blow from his shin unexpectedly landed on our head, but we absorbed it without a problem!

Luckily the ability was still there since that kick would've definitely killed us.

Then I spun like a ballerina around him to get to his back, where we stabbed him from behind with the notebook, completely piercing through his new glamourous robotic body.

"AHHHHH! DARLING." Mettaton screamed, and then he started falling apart right in front of our eyes.

I'll be so popular on television! Especially after that ballerina spin!

He fell onto his knees and started malfunctioning.

"Ratings. Ratings. Ratings. Ratings." Was the only thing he was saying.

"No! Mettaton!" A female voice said from behind us.

I turned around to see Alphy's staring at us three, while behind her was a person standing in full armor.

"That's not a person, it's a fish - the greatest royal guard in the Underground, her name is Undyne." Chara corrected me.

"Back off, Alphys. I'll handle this." Said Undyne through her helmet, which she removed afterwards.

Then while we were standing there, she threw one of her bright blue magic spears to separate us from Mettaton so we don't kill him.

"Violetta, I'm so tired... Please take control." Chara said before almost fainting with my body.

"Understood! This will be fun." I reassured her.

"Less talking, more fighting.", "En guarde!" Undyne shouted, aiming simultaneously 10s of her magic spears that were levitating, only at me.

A small 16 year old girl ready for cameras and action!

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