13# - Happstablook

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"Chara, where are we going?" I asked her as she was the one controlling my body - going through some random hot, volcanic area.

I've been thinking about what Chara told me for a long time now, and I've been wondering if everything she said is really true. She seemed really sincere this time, but how come I don't remember anything at all or at least my past life - I never chose to be reincarnated.

Could it be possible that it was against my will?

I don't understand anything that's going on now... Geez, everything is so confusing.

"Geez, Violetta, you're always whining about something." Chara made a remark.

"Well, I never chose to be a part of any of this!" I responded in a hostile tone because it was a true reflection of how I felt.

She was just silent, now standing in front of a giant white lab.

"Shit... The doors won't open-" And right as she said that the doors opened.

How magical!

We went inside, or better said, she, as she was still heavily controlling my body.

Which was probably a better choice in this situation.

The lab was empty, and Chara was cautious, looking over the smallest things like a paranoid maniac.

"Is anyone supposed to be here? I can feel your nervousness." I told Chara.

"Ugh, I hate this too sometimes. But yeah, a yellow lizard monster was supposed to be in here, but she's nowhere to be found!"

"Chara, duck down!" I screamed at her and took control of her body to avoid a metallic arm trying to hit us from behind. While Chara was rambling, I saw a sudden movement behind us in the reflection of a glass bottle on the table - which made me notice that arm in the first place.

"The fuck?" Chara took over the body again and turned around to see a giant metal robot that looked like a TV standing less than a meter behind us.

"I knew it!" Chara said out loud.

"HELLO DARLING. I SEE THAT YOU DOGDED MY FEROCIOUS ATTACK, BUT WORRY NOT. THE SHOW HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET." Said the robot with his loud and annoying metallic voice - why was he calling me a darling, what's wrong with him?

It looked like he wasn't planning to attack us again - he was definitely being cautious since he saw us react so fast to his attack.

"And you are?" I said curiously since Chara didn't even bother to explain.

"WHAT?" The robot was caught off-guard.

"His name is Mettaton, Violetta! You shouldn't have asked him that - just ask me instead next time to avoid any trouble. You're always doing the wrong thing!" Chara was complaining in my head again, but who cares about what she thinks? Plus, she wouldn't have even answered any of my questions like always.


"I don't know, it's my first time here."

"FIRST TIME? SO YOU ARE THE HUMAN THAT FELL DOWN AGAIN. IN THAT CASE..." The robot paused for a brief second.

"RUN VIOLETTA!" Chara shouted, taking control of my body and turning around to run to the exit of the lab as fast as possible.

The robot was still standing still, and as I turned around to see what he was doing - rockets started shooting out of him towards me and Chara!

"Fuck you, Happstablook!" Chara shouted and left the lab while the rockets destroyed the exit as soon as we left the building.

"DID. SHE. JUST. CALL. ME. HAPPSTABLOOK? I WILL MAKE SURE TO END YOUR LIFE, DARLING, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THIS LEVEL OF DISRESPECT IS SO..." What is he rambling about, what the fuck is a hapstablook? And why won't he shut up?

"It's unimportant now, Violetta! Stop standing there looking at him and just let me take the lead unless you want to go down with the entire lab."

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