10# - A pond :3

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I finally reached the place where Flowey always waits for me.

And there he was again.

"Geez! I didn't expect that outcome." Said Flowey, not following his regular dialogue.

"Toriel said hi." I said coldly.

"You managed to kill that atrocity without any LOVE? Geez, Chara, your determination must be higher than ever." Even Flowey had a straight face on.

"So what?"

"You aren't alone, Chara, aren't you?"

"Enough!" I threw the notebook directly at him, which then came back to me like a boomerang.

He went back into the ground and popped out when it came back to me again.

"What are you even planning to do with your partner? Is she even aware you're planning to sacrifice her for your greater good?"

"That's not what I'll do. Keep your mouth shut!"

"Okay! See you later, Chara" And then, Flowey just went straight back into the ground.

I was still uneasy because I was expecting a sneak attack or something, but it looked like he actually had better things to do than to entertain me with a petty fight.

As I went along my way toward Snowdin, Violetta was asking me all sorts of questions about Flowey, Toriel, and the other people I mentioned that she couldn't remember. She wasn't complaining about anything and seemed to be happier than ever before - I also wasn't rough towards her, even though that's my nature. This time I tried being more gentle to her, not to gain anything, but to feel something nice after such a long time of constant destruction...

"Chara, where are we going now? Why are you going off the path? I thought you had no time to waste." Violetta said worryingly.

"Well, even I need to take a break sometimes. I did much worse things in timelines where you didn't even exist."

"Like what? Just give me a single example, I'm curious." Violetta said quietly.

"This one time, I destroyed the entire timeline because I was bored and had nothing to do, and one other time I repeatedly only killed Mom and Dad out of sheer fun." I was so happy to tell her about the things I enjoyed doing the most.

"Damn, Chara, but why?" She was genuinely curious about my past.

"It's just fun, isn't it?"

"How is it fun to kill your parents more than once? What did they even do to you and-"

"You wouldn't understand! You'd understand me if you were in my boots."

"Uh! Well, I quite literally am! And I still don't understand anything and how a goat can be your mother?"

"Violetta! She's obviously not my biological mother."

"Is that why you hate her so much?"

"No! That's not the reason, I'd do worse things to my real mother if I ever got the chance."

"What's stopping us from finding your real mom?"

"She moved somewhere far away after I fell down into Mt. Ebott, probably out of shame."

"How did she hurt you... Poor Chara."

"Look! I don't need your sympathy, and I don't need to kill her to fill fulfilled again."

"Then why are you even doing what you're doing right now?"

"Good question, but I'll answer it later."

During the entire conversation, I was going downhill through the snowy woods, all the way down to a small pond where I would usually sit next in these kinds of situations or periods when I needed rest.

It was a secluded area in the snowy woods that no one else knew of.

The small pond has a log trunk you can sit on and another smaller one in front of it on which you can put your legs.

I sat finally after walking for who knows how long, even demons get tired.

I stretched my arms and yawned, and laid over the log on my stomach - I was basically hugging the tree at this point.

And then, I just closed my eyes, letting my consciousness drift away to the humming wind and the pond's water sparkling.

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