28# - Devil Town

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"Violetta. Violetta.. Violetta... Violetta! Wake up already." A feminine voice said.

I took a look and saw my teacher shaking me to wake up.

"No sleeping allowed in my class. Do that once again, and you're practically asking for detention at that point."

"Sorry! I didn't mean to..." I said awkwardly.

"It's okay. Now, children, let's focus on this lesson. It will be very important since it will appear on the final exam that everyone..." And then the teacher went on with her ramblings.

Geez, I barely even remember anything. I wonder, for how long have I slept?

That dream I had was crazy, I hope it happens again...


- ✨ Writer's Notes ✨ -

The story is finally over!

At least for now.

I really had a fun time while writing this, but all good things must come to an end.

Thank you for sticking all the way through it, and even if you didn't read it in its entirety, still thank you for even checking it out!

Any amount of attention means the most to me.

When I feel like it eventually, I'll start writing the second part which I already have in plan.

But now I'm focused on finishing No Chocolate, a Chara x Frisk lemon adventure story of mine you can check out on my profile!

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