Chapter 2

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Could this get any better? Why can't my life be just as perfect as Skye's or Amanda's? Do I have to be like them in order to be as "perfect" or "beautiful" as them? What am I doing wrong? Am I different? Am I missing something? Why can't I just be loved by someone?

I thought about these questions on the way to a family trip to the beach. I had my earbuds in once again, avoiding my family. Unfortunately, they were louder than the music I had blasting through my ear drums, so I could hear them talking about me and believe me there weren't any good comments.

I was only going to the beach because I didn't want to ruin my mother's plan for a "family" fun day. It would have broken her if I denied her of tagging along, although they still would've gone anyway. But I thought to myself that I deserved a day of sunshine and sounds of calm waves hitting the dry sand making it soaked, and I deserve a day where I could relax and feel the warm sand between my toes. I went to ease my mind of the suicidal thoughts I had been having lately. I thought that maybe a day to breathe fresh salty air would clear my mind of these internal fixtures.

As my parents and my younger sister sang along to the radio, I stared out the tinted window and judged the world for everything it was worth.

We got to the beach, I got out of the car with my sunglasses on and a black bikini, my abs glowing from the sun beaming on the sunscreen, with just some short jean shorts on and my bikini top exposed. I felt the eyes of many teenage boys look towards me and I didn't mind one bit at the moment, I hadn't gotten much attention so I felt as if I deserved a little bit of it.

I went ahead of my family to find a good spot to sit and lay in the sun and just let loose for once.

I laid a towel down on the flaming hot sand. The wind blew through my long chestnut brown hair, I took in a deep breath of the smooth air. As I laid down on the towel my mom grabbed my hand inviting me to the water to play with them. I rejected and laid down to get a tan for a little while.

Skye had come to get her phone so mom and dad could take "model approved" pictures. When they came back to the area, we set our things in the sand they began to build a sand castle with smiles plastered on their faces.

I got up and walked toward the water to go and cool off my burning skin. I placed my feet in the water letting my toes sink into the soaked water, feeling the current crashing onto shore turning into smaller waves as they hit my shins. I closed my eyes and looked up to the sky.

As I stood there, in the corner of my eye I saw my mom start to take pictures of me "looking like a model" on my phone just for the fun of it.

We were ready to go home, I was still enjoying what was left of the sun as my parents loaded up the car and Skye texting her friends and posting the pictures, she had taken earlier that day.

Little did I know they had completely forgotten to get me out of La-La-Land, and they left to go home with me still at the beach. I didn't mind being alone at the beach, it gave me time to think and to be away from my psychotic family.

I opened my eyes and once they adjusted to the sunset, I saw Daniel walk by in his swim trunks with his six-pack abs out in the open, I couldn't help but stare in awe. He caught a glimpse of me and walked over to me.

Great, now he is going to see how well my family treats me. Leaving me at the beach alone. I thought to myself as I waved to him, greeting him with a smile.

"Hey, Elle?" He questioned himself as he tried to remember my name, he does that to play around with me considering we have known each other for almost our entire lives.

"Daniel? Nice to see you here." I said smiling ear to ear trying not to be all flustered and shaky with words.

Could this get anymore awkward?

I said still smiling and squinting from the sun setting in my direction.

"Are you here all by yourself?" He asked looking around for my family. I nodded my head still not knowing what to say after our greeting.

"Seriously? What are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked suddenly concerned about my well-being.

He grabbed my forearm and pulled me from the sand onto my feet with sand in between my now sun tinted toes.

"Oh, you know, my family just happened to leave me here while they go home. It isn't a problem." I assured him in a calming voice.

"It isn't a problem?" He was shocked by my answer.

"How can you say that? You are here all by yourself!" He said getting a little too mad. I rubbed his shoulder, chilling him out a bit,

"Daniel! I'm fine really. This gives me a chance to get away from my family. I don't get the chance very often and when I do, I just learned to revel in it." I reacted in a happy mood.

Even though Daniel was my crush, I treated him like a really close friend.

"You sure?" He questioned.

"I am 100% positive." I said with my hand still on his shoulder. Searching for his blue eyes that turned green in the sunlight. Breaking the moment my mom yelled from the top of the sand dune,

"ELIZABETH! COME ON LET'S GO!!!" My mom waved toward her and the car.

Daniel looked past my broad shoulder just to see Skye standing there on her phone doing whatever she does on that thing.

"Your sisters here." Daniel said, mesmerized at the sight of her.

"So, it seems." My eyes widened as I turned my head over my shoulder as well and stared at Skye with a squint.

I bent down to pack up my things. Daniel snapped out of his daydream and helped me put things in my bag. He and I had touched hands as we both put an item into the bag. He started to blush, as did I. I turned to go to the car. I shook my head trying to wake myself up from this dream, but I didn't seem to wake. As I was already awake, I looked back and waved to Daniel with a slight smirk.

The whole car ride home, my mind was trying to process what had just happened back at the beach. Was my best friend also known as my crush blushing after touching my hand?

I might be overthinking things, just like I always do. Daniel, I don't know what it is about him, he is just so perfect in my eyes. And yet again, not everyone is perfect. He has his flaws as I have my own flaws and problems. So, the question is,

Are my feelings for Daniel all just in my head?  

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