Chapter 3

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  I like taking pictures from the top of my roof when I am upset or questioning life. I have never really figured out a reason for it, I guess it's just a guilty pleasure. It calms my nerves, knowing that I have memories of the days that I would just sit in peace and quiet, doing something that I enjoy.

It was around sunrise and I had woken up to take pictures of the beautiful painting of the sky. It was a Sunday morning, I was up there with my head in the clouds watching the sun as it rose from a nightly slumber, watching as the colors of the sky turned different admiring how easy it was for something so beautiful to change on command.

My mom knocked on my door to bring me back to reality.

"Elizabeth? Are you awake?" She asked ever so softly.

"Yeah, hang on." I replied, climbing back through my window and sealing it shut, putting my camera under my bed before I opened my door.

My mother doesn't know that I bought myself a camera and she really isn't into me doing anything that pleases me.

"Will you be ready in 30 minutes?" She asked confused of why I was acting strange.

"Yeah." I said quickly with a smile and with my arm leaning against my door.

"Okay?" my mom asked, wondering if I was hiding something.

She left my sight and walked down the stairs. I closed my door behind me and blew out a sigh of relief that she didn't question me anymore than that.

As I said before, today is Sunday. The best day of the week in my opinion, because I have piano class and my partner is Daniel. But today I feel like it was going to be awkward between us.

For one, what happened at the beach the other day. And second, he is just going to talk about Skye the entire time like he always does.

The project we are working on now is we have to write a song, and of course he wants to write it about Skye. I really like the guy but he really needs to learn when to shut up about her.

"GOOD MORNING CLASS!" My piano instructor yells.

I don't know why but she yells quite frequently, it's one of my favorite traits about Mrs. Ross. She isn't afraid to say what she wants to say or say what's on her mind and she doesn't care who hears her side of her opinion. I look up to Mrs. Ross, she is my inspiration. Her and I have grown a very sophisticated relationship to where I can talk to her or see her about anything, I need her for. She seems to be more of a mother to me than my biological mother.

"GOOD MORNING MRS. ROSS!" The class replied in the same volume as she did. "Okay, everyone is going to be working on the project. Let's get to work." She said as she sat down at her desk.

"Hey you." Daniel nudged my shoulder with his.

"Hey, you ready to get to work?" I asked pulling out the sheet music that was completely empty.

"So, what does Skye like?" He jumped right in.

"Okay, that's it!" I said slamming my music shut and causing a scene, finally taking the advice that I came up about Mrs. Ross by myself. It's time I stand up for myself.

"We are not doing a song about my sister! And it would be nice if you would stop talking about her every once and while! I honestly don't care that you have "endless love" for her! She isn't the only girl out there! Okay? So, no more talking about her in front of me!" I said making a point.

"Can we talk after class?" Daniel asked in a whisper for only me to hear. I crossed my arms,

"Whatever." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Elle? Is everything alright over there?" Mrs. Ross asked, listening to the whole rant I just laid on Daniel's shoulders trying to hide how proud she was of me. But she couldn't hide it very well, she smiled and winked at me and I smiled at her in return.

"Yeah, we are fine. I'm sorry for the disruption." I said and reopened my music and started writing down notes that I played on the piano.

An hour passed by really slowly. I was relieved when Mrs. Ross dismissed the class. I rushed out of the classroom making sure to get a hug from Mrs. Ross first, in the hope of avoiding what Daniel wanted to talk about.

Before I could get out to the parking lot Daniel ran through the crowd of students to get to me, grabbed my arm bringing me to a halt.

"What Daniel?" I asked not to make eye contact.

"What happened back there?" He asked, pointing back to the classroom.

"You really want to know? You are such a jerk! I am so tired of waiting for you to notice me. You like my sister; Skye is an idiot, Daniel! She's evil, and she doesn't deserve anyone like you! I have always been ignored, even by my own parents! You think them leaving me at the beach was planned? Huh? I don't think so! We are best friends and all you talk about is Skye! Oh, Skye is so perfect and beautiful. Nobody gives a shit! She doesn't even know you exist!" I yelled at Daniel hoping he would change his point of view of Skye.

Everybody was staring in amazement.

"Wait. Back up. You like me?" He asked arrogantly.

"Yes! Is that what you want to hear? Yes, I like you, okay?" I asked and then stormed off.

I can't believe I liked a guy like that. I don't even want to be friends with him anymore. I don't even want to see him ever again. He acted so impressed but he knew every girl at that school was fond of him and threw themselves all over him.

Why do I have to be like this? I thought about this long and hard and long while walking home. Then I cried. That was the first time I had ever cried for a guy in my entire life. And I felt so ashamed of it, that feeling is nothing new though. I just figured my life would be so much easier than this. I should have known that this was how this day was going to turn out.

I was walking home when a car came up behind me, clenching to my music. I looked to the right with my hair hiding my wandering eyes.

It was Mrs. Ross.

She pulled over and got out of the car.

"Elle?" She walked towards me with open arms, and without hesitation I ran into them needing comfort. I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to get any from my parents. She hugged me until I let go, I felt her gentle hands brush through my tangled hair.

"Elle? I am really proud of you." The tall woman confessed. I looked up at her wiping my tears from my face.

"You are?" I was surprised.

"Yes. I have been waiting for you to stand up for yourself since day one. You cracked your shell and stood up for what you believed in. You pulled a total Mrs. Ross move back there, and I couldn't be prouder." She smiled, making my lips curve into a smile as well as I choked on my tears.

"That means so much to me coming from you Mrs. Ross. No one has ever said that to me before, and it feels nice to hear it for the first time in my life." I smiled and hugged her once more.

"Do you want a ride?" She asked kindly. I shook my head,

"uh, no thank you. I think I want to walk and clear my head. Thank you, Mrs. Ross." I said once more before turning to head home.

I thought about those four words that Mrs. Ross had told me, and more tears fell down my cheeks. Some were tears of sadness but most were happy tears from finally hearing the words I have been yearning and aching for since the day I started breathing. I cried the entire way back to my house but those five words are probably the ones that are going to save me from myself. 

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