Chapter 8

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Finally, I'm days away from being 18 years old. To me it's counted as good and bad news. The good news is that I will be a legal adult and I can make my own choices. The bad news is that my family doesn't really care that it's my birthday. Every single birthday I have lived, my parents are never home and Skye goes out and hangs out with her friend's god knows where, and I am left alone. This year I prayed and hoped for it to be different.

At the moment, Jay is on vacation with his mom somewhere way more tropical than California. From what he tells me, a part of his family lives on an island in Hawaii, so every other year he goes and hangs out with them for a week or so. Leaving me to deal with my family all by my lonesome. But I am not the kind of girl to be strict about where her boyfriend can or cannot go. I know that I am not at his beckoning call every hour of the day. So, I deal with the fact that my parents are probably going to go out to a casino and Skye will go do what she does. But that is just what I grew to deal with.

"Elizabeth?" Mom called up to me waking me from my slumber.

"Yeah?" I said slumping and dragging myself out of bed and down the stairs to see what my mom wanted.

"So, you know your birthday is coming up, and I had an idea that we could throw you a party of your choice. What do you think?" She rubbed her hands together hoping I wouldn't shy down the thought. My eyes filled with tears of joy, and jumped into my mother's arms.

"Oh, what's wrong Elizabeth?" My mom said hesitating before proceeding to hug me back.

"I am just really happy that you actually remembered my birthday for once." I replied relieved with the words that had come out of my mother's mouth.

"Remember? Elle, I always remember your birthday." She sounded offended that I would say such a thing but deep down it sounded like she knew it was true.

"Then, why is it that every single birthday I ever had you and dad were never home? And you guys are out having fun while I'm stuck in this house by myself celebrating it in my room?" I asked her while looking at the tiled floor of the kitchen.

She was about to come back with an excuse but it seemed that she couldn't come up with one, and she said the phrase I never thought I'd hear from her,

"Oh, Elle, I am so sorry." I looked up at her in shock mostly,

"Sorry? For?" I asked, tilting my head a bit trying to catch her eyes.

"I don't have a reason for missing every single one of your birthdays and you just brought it to my attention. I'm sorry Elizabeth." My mom whimpered and sobbed.

I placed my hand gently on her shoulder,

"Mom? It's okay. At least you remembered the most important one." I smiled and nodded once she made eye contact.

"Yeah, and we are going to make it the best one yet." She smiled and hugged me, wiping away her tears.

I woke up the next morning, as memories of yesterday rushed through my mind again. I was all of a sudden anxious to get up and go shopping for my party that I am planning.

"Mom?" I went downstairs seeing as my father had already left for work and my mother cooking breakfast. She turns in response to her name being called,

"Yes?" I stood there innocently,

"Can we go shopping for a dress for my party?" I asked in the utmost polite way possible. Mom wiped her hands with a towel,

"of course. Leave in 30?" She asked giving the most precise time it would take me to get ready. I nod in excitement and run up the stairs and get ready.

By the time I was ready to leave the house, my mom was almost done getting ready herself. I abused that time by knocking on Skye's door.

"It's open." she yelled. I walked in pretentiously,

"mom and I are going to go look for a dress for me, for my party this weekend." I told her kindly. Yes, I hated my sister with every nerve in my body, but for my sake I had to be nice because I don't want her ruining what I have planned for my birthday.

I nodded and walked halfway out when she didn't answer me but I was brought to a stop when she let out a soft,

"wait." I turned back to face her,

"Can I go with you?" She asked suspiciously.

"I mean I guess, if you can be ready in 10 minutes." I continued to say. She smiled devilishly,

"great! I'll be ready in a few." She exclaimed as she was pushing me out of her room.

She was acting weirder than usual, I told myself but shook off the feeling and went with it.

To pass the time waiting for my sister and my mother to get ready I decided to spend some time in the backyard. I sat on the bench swing and swung on it for a few minutes letting the warm sun bounce off of my face, I closed my eyes and imagined what the perfect life looked like.

I opened my wintery blue eyes and looked at the beautiful pile of flowers. I walked over to them and caressed them with my palm and then took in their scent and closed my eyes once again.

Flowers make me realize something about life that I never could have thought of. They make me believe that there is a life to live, because even on a rainy and dark day their color still shines through all of the tears the sky releases from its eyes.

I got so caught up in my thoughts that I almost didn't realize when my mother was yelling from the screen door that we are leaving. My ears perked and I turned my face to squint at the tinted screen. A smile appeared on my face and I ran to the car.

This was a time to bond with my mother, and I am not going to let it go to waste. I never had a close relationship with my mom and I feel like every girl needs some sort of attachment to their mother, so that is what my goal is on this day. To get to know my mom better than I have ever before. 

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