Chapter 18

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After the confession I got from my sister, I didn't want to sleep. I just wanted to get up and celebrate. I grabbed my camera and went on the back porch; the sun was starting to rise and that water would be great for some pictures. I sat on the porch swing facing the ocean and swung, watching the black sky change into a blend of orange, yellow, pink, and red. A beautiful mixture to meet the eyes.

Just when I thought I would get some peace and quiet to gather my thoughts of winning, Jay knocked on the door to get my attention.

"Morning." He said in a soft, raspy voice. He came out in grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. I was sitting crisscross on the swing and looked over at him.

"Morning. You're up early." I smiled, offering him to sit.

He came over to me and sat down, I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly.

"Yeah, I didn't get much sleep so I figured that I would just get up and do something with myself." He said watching the sunrise along with me. My eyes squinted and looked at him with a smile.

"You seem happy." He noticed.

"I am. I am in my favorite place, with my favorite people, along with a clear confession from my very own sister Skye." I rambled off. Jay's eyes laser beamed at me in shock and disbelief.

"Wait, are you being serious right now?" He asked, suddenly caught off guard.

"Yeah, last night she came out while I was making myself a drink. And, well, just see for yourself." I took out my phone and put on the video of her confessing. He watched the whole thing, and a tear fell from his eye.

"Hey? Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I-. Elle, I can't believe this is finally over." He said relieved. I scoffed,

"I know. Me neither. But I am happy it is, because that just means that I can do this again." I turned his face towards mine, leaned in, and kissed him passionately. A few minutes pass where our lips just stay connected, then we pull apart, and rest our foreheads against each other.

"Remember what I told you about when this was all over?" Jay whispered with his eyes closed.

"Yeah, I remember." I smiled.

"Tonight, I am going to give you the time of your life." He said seductively.

"I have no complaints about that. But once the other two are awake we are going to go back to the beach. But for now, you want to go help me make breakfast?" I giggled.

"Hell yes." Jay said getting excited. I laughed along with him and went inside with my camera.

Jay and I put on some music and danced around the kitchen in sync with each other.

"You know someday, this is going to be our life, every single day." I kissed him.

"You know? I am not opposed to the idea." He smiled. I haven't seen him smile in such a long time it was almost refreshing.

About an hour later Angel and Skye stumble into the kitchen looking fatigued. Jay and I were laughing, dancing, and cooking and didn't even notice they were standing there.

"Do you guys have to be so loud that you wake us up?" Angel asked with her raspy morning voice.

"Yes, we did because breakfast is ready." I said as I put the eggs on the table. Jay and I couldn't stop smiling at each other.

"Why are you guys so chipper?" Angel asked.

"Oh, well, how else is there to feel knowing you are back together with the love of your life?" I asked not taking my eyes off of Jay. Angel's eyes widened, so did Skye but she saw this coming after she apologized.

"Uhm, Elle? Can I talk to you just for a quick second?" Angel asked, pointing to the patio.

I closed the door behind me,

"are you insane? You and Jay back together? That is going to piss off Skye even more to where she kills you, oh, I don't know, today!" She exclaimed. I put my hands on her shoulders to calm her down,

"hey, relax. You know I wouldn't do this if it put my life at risk." I told her smoothly.

"What are you talking about?" She asked, confused as to how I am not freaking out.

"Skye confessed. Last night, she confessed to everything and I got it all on video." I told her. Angel took a deep breath in relief.

"Wait, what did she say?" Angel asked, desperate to know.

"I will send you the video later. But, can we just have a day where I am relaxed and I don't have to look over my shoulder every five seconds?" I asked, pleading for just one normal day on the beach with my best friend, my new and improved sister, and the one I love.

"Of course. I am so glad this whole thing is over." She hugged me. "Yeah, you and me both." I said hugging her back.

We went inside and ate breakfast. After a while we all got ready to go down to the beach. We only had a few more days there and I was going to make the best of it considering the last few days have been me trying to get Skye to confess.

We spent literally all day on the beach, the second after we finished eating breakfast, to when the sun decided to start setting. I got out my camera once again to take a picture of the peaceful sea. The figures of my friend and my sister looking like shadows in the dark made a great affect. As I was getting pictures and watching the waves crash onto the soaked sand on the shore, I felt two large warm arms wrap themselves around my waist from behind. A smile crept onto my face knowing exactly who it was.

"Hi." I whispered, as the wind carried my voice to his ear.

"Hi there, beautiful." He replied softly.

"This is nice. Like really nice." I said to Jay leaning my head back to rest on his shoulder.

"Yeah, it is nice." He said as he kissed my neck down to my shoulder making my eyes flutter.

"How long are you planning on teasing me like this?" I asked as he continued his actions.

"Until they go to sleep. Oh, by the way, you are staying in my room tonight." He said in a seductive voice, and continued to nibble on my earlobe.

"How can I say no to that offer?" I asked sarcastically.

"You can't because it wasn't a question." He whispered in my ear, making me want him even more than I already did.

We stayed on the beach a little bit longer, but after a while it got too dark for us to see so we went back to the house to get showered and cleaned up. We watched a movie with popcorn like we did every night. We all went to bed afterwards.

Well two of us did. Angel and Skye were tuckered out the second their heads hit their pillows. As for me and Jay, we stumbled into his room. Our lips pressed together, not letting them part from each other, not even once. Even if we wanted them to, him and I both knew it just wasn't going to happen. So, therefore, we just let it happen. All night long we made up the time we had spent apart, and it was the most amazing time I have ever had. Just like he promised.

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