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"Sorry...it was just, so quiet." she giggled sheepishly wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. I just continued staring blankly at her trying to understand this sense of familiarity. "Would you like to keep standing there? or would you like to sit down." Miss Calleros asked with a hint of annoyance. I nodded my head and ducked down quickly making the last few steps to my seat before covering my face with my hands as Miss Calleros continued the video on the screen.

— AHHH that was so embarrassing! Of all things it had to be in front of a really cute girl. I screamed internally wishing the earth could just swallow me whole. Actually, who is she, I think she's a new student cause I haven't seen her around before but... yet she looks so famili-.

"I liked your joke." I heard a whisper to my right interrupting my thoughts, I turned my head to face whoever said that and realised it was the new girl! I didn't realise her seat was next to mine! This can't get any more awkward. "Uhh..really?" I let out a slight chuckle feeling shy over what just happened. "I mean, it wasn't funny that's why I laughed-" I felt a slight sting when she said, like this weird darkness that loomed over me. That's weird? "But.. it was smart, so.. I liked it!" I couldn't help but grin a little as she said that, instantly lighting up immediately clearing the negative feeling that I had just harbored. I noticed that we were leaning closer and closer as we were talking, I could see her face much clearer now, her face partially illuminated by the light from the visualiser behind us allowing me to see the intrinsicality of her features. Her eyes really were as beautiful as the sky on a clear day, she had piercings on her right eyebrow which gave her that sort of 90s punk look while allowing her to still look as elegant as a ballet dancer, there's even that small gap between her front teeth that gives her an adorable and goofy smile. Again it feels as though I know her from somewhere, I just know it but where or even better how?

— "Hey this might sound weird but I think I might've seen you before. Do I know you?" I asked to try and satiate my curiosity, I mean the easiest way to find out is just asking her directly right? What I didn't expect was to see her wince at my question, turning her gaze away from mine looking sad and hurt. Okay..? that was definitely a weird reaction. "Don't you remember me?" she answered back as she looked back towards the screen but before I could get another word in I was interrupted by Miss Calleros shushing us as she walked past. I guess that's the conversation over, but that was definitely not a normal reaction. I'll try and ask her after class.

Class continued on as we watched the documentary in silence. I couldn't help but take glances at her during the class, I was simply enamored by her. Man this documentary is boring, I feel like I know exactly what she's gonna say next. Ah screw it I'm just gonna do some sketching. I quietly reached into my bag and pull out my sketchbook and pencil laying it out on the table, I tried to do some basic sketches but I couldn't really get it right or feel inspired. As I pondered what to draw I found myself staring at her again.

— What if I drew her. The intrusive thought suddenly appearing in my mind, it was weird but I found myself having this creative spark to do so, so I did what any normal person would do and started drawing her. I tried my best to not make it obvious that I was looking at her, trying to take small or fast glances sporadically so as to not draw attention to myself while memorising as much as I could during those short looks. It was odd how natural and easy it felt drawing her with the final drawing looking almost lifelike, everything from the way her hair flowed to the stylish yet dorky look that she had, this was easily the best thing I've ever drawn and I was just meant to sketch something. Man I seriously can't believe I drew this! I'll take one last look to make sure I got everything right.

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