Tour De Vision (2)

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Damn it Miles, you dummy! One of the thoughts swimming in my head after storming off. What's he doing fawning over another girl when he's supposed to be showing me around, even inviting her along? The ambience of the hallway around me turned to white noise as I continued to be absorbed in my thoughts, I could hear the faint sound of someone calling out to me but chose to ignore it thinking it was from my imagination. I just couldn't get rid of this dark feeling clouding my head right now, I don't understand why I'm so upset about this, I'm acting so childish. I thought sighing to myself. "Hey-" I start to turn around to apologise when all of a sudden, my sentence was interrupted as my body jerked to the side as someone pulled me into their arms. My mind raced as it tried to figure out what was going on, looking up and seeing that I was in Miles arms. "Hey you alright?" He asked but I just froze unable to reply, panicking I quickly push him away and take a few deep breaths to calm down smacking my face a little to bring myself back to reality. "You good?" He asked. "Yep it's nothing, don't worry about it!" I reply nervously brushing my hair behind my ear avoiding his gaze. "Well okay if you say so." He replied as I suddenly felt his hand on my head.

Whaa- Whaaa?!?! I started screaming internally trying to understand what was happening. "Oh sorry! I usually do that with my little cousin and you kinda reminded me of her for a sec!" Miles exclaimed trying to explain himself. "Nono it's fine haha, actually didn't mind it.." I reply trying to play it off while playing with the ends of my hair. "Sorry I didn't catch that?" Miles asked with a look of confusion. "It's nothing! Let's just get on with the tour!" I reply waving her hands at him to move on thankful he didn't hear me. "Wow someone's real excited about getting to see the academy!" He respond chuckling. "Alright first let's head to the entrance of the school." The entrance?


"Ahem, Hello there. My name is Miles and on behalf of Miss Calleros I would like to welcome you to Vision Academy!" Miles began to speak holding a pen pretending it was a mic. I could feel the stares of our schoolmates and strangers as they walked by but I couldn't care less, I just stood there with my arms folded trying to hide my smile, enjoying the moment as I watched his shenanigans. "Firstly, I-" He continued to speak as I just blanked out staring at him thinking, I wonder when it'll be time... As he was finishing up I proceed to give Miles a slow clap before speaking with a slight hint of sarcasm, "Real professional Miles~." "Thank You, it took me awhile to come up with that." Miles replied confidently seemingly ignoring my sarcasm. "Alright let's head off shall we?" Miles asked as I respond with a slight nod of my head. "Today we begin our tour at the entrance to our prestigious school of vision academy! Do save your questions till the end and remember to follow closely so as to not get lost!"


— We spent most of the tour just looking at the different facilities and areas of interest, my classes, dorms etc. He actually showed me the fastest way to get to my room and wanted to check it out but I quickly blocked the door with my body before he could open it fully. I looked stupid in hindsight and tried to play it off which he accepted before moving on, I just couldn't let him inside under any circumstances or at least for the time being. We also found Miss Calleros and had a small chat with her, mostly Miles talking and Miss Calleros making sure Miles was doing his job. The conversation made me crack up and although I didn't speak much it was enjoyable. We kept walking around until we ended up in front of two closed wooden doors in the middle of the hallway.

"And last but definitely not least, one of my favorite places to hang out besides my dorm room... the music room!!" Miles announced as he threw up his hands motioning towards two closed wooden doors. I tilt my head and body to the side to look past him at the wooden doors before looking back at him, "First of all, are we even allowed to use it? And second, I'm pretty sure we need a key right?" "Ahem, well funny you mention that..." Miles replied clearing his throat as he reached into his pocket and rummaging around before suddenly pulling out a set of keys. "Wow stealing Miles? What a rebel~" I remarked as I see the set of keys. "You know me." He replied smirking before suddenly changing his tone. "But nah Miss Calleros is in charge of the music club so she lets me use it from time to time!" He confessed spinning the keys around his index finger almost dropping it as it spins out of his finger and he stumbles trying to grab it mid air. "Is that why we popped by the staff room earlier?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him grinning from what had just happened. "I don't know what you're talking about." He replied shrugging as he turned back towards the door to open them up.

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