Day out

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"How did I end up here?" I murmured to myself as I stood outside the metro, nervously pacing back and forth.


"Let's go on a date!" She declared joyfully as she twirled back around to face me while I was still processing her words. "Say what now?" I replied confused. "You heard me~" She said reaffirming her words. "Unless you don't wanna?" she added, her expression shifting to one of disappointment. "No-" I replied before getting immediately cut off. "Great! Saturday, 10am at the metro." she instructed, her enthusiasm undeterred as she abruptly dashed away.


— The entirety of my morning was spent having trouble deciding what to wear for this date—if you could even call it that. Every time I referred to it as such my face would turn red from embarrassment and my brain would shut down. "Casual. Formal. Casual. Formal." I repeatedly said as I shuffled two outfits back and forth before the mirror. "Oh my god... just pick something already." Ganke groaned as he laid down on his bed staring at me. "Easy for you to say! I've never done this before!" I retorted. "Dude." Ganke replied as he slid off his bed, gently resting his hand on my shoulder. "I know I'm no expert here-" Ganke remarked. "Uh-huh I know?" I commented interrupting him. "-BUT. I do have something called eyes? And literally all of us can see how much you two vibe and doing what we would akin to flirting." A firm yet friendly nudge accompanied his words. Slightly apprehensive, I countered, "Pfft what? Gwen is just a-" "A friend?" Ganke interjected, his raised eyebrow and reproachful expression making his point clear. "Yeah..." I confessed, albeit hesitatingly. "We both know you're lying to yourself here." Ganke retorted as he sat back down on his bed. "I knew this would happen so I called in the big guns," he sighed. "Big guns?" I replied, puzzled, just as a knock sounded on the door. I quickly walked over and opened the door, unexpectedly greeted by the collar of my shirt grabbed and yanked downwards. 

"Miles Gonzalo Morales! How could you not tell me you were going on a date!" Gayatri's voice rang out, her grip firm on my collar as she vigorously shook me back and forth while Pavitr tried to calm her down. It's worth noting that, Gaya is like 160cm but fought with 2m tall energy whenever she was mad. "In confidence, Ganke!" My response filled with frustration as I turned my head toward Ganke. On the day Gwen told me to meet her on Saturday I ran back to my dorm room freaking out as Ganke kept asking me what was wrong. In a moment of pure stupidity, I told him the truth that Gwen had asked me out. His initial disbelief eventually transformed into a smirk and a nod from Ganke as I narrated the story. "Please, they were gonna find out anyway with the way you were acting for the past few days," he remarked nonchalantly, dismissing my concerns with a wave of his hand. "What do you mean?" I replied confused as Pavitr finally pulls Gayatri off me as she kicks and thrashes around to free herself. "Spacing out, forgetting things, crashing into walls, staring at Gwen, staring at your phone, need I go on?" He listed as he held up another finger for each thing he had listed. "Enough of that! We are in crunch time now. Where's your closet?" Gayatri demanded, finally freeing herself from Pavitr's hold. Ganke pointed to my position, and with purpose, she charged over, shoving me aside while raiding my closet. "Wear this, this, this, this... wait no, give that one back... and this." She instructed as she kept tossing clothing items at me. "Wha-" I began to question, only to be interrupted. "Change, now!" Gayatri yelled, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Yes ma'am!" I complied, running off to the bathroom. 

— After a couple minutes, I returned to the room sporting Gayatri's outfit. The attire consisted of a white shirt, a black hoodie adorned with red accents, jeans, and my red-and-white Jordans. "Wow... Gaya this looks mad." I uttered as I checked myself out in the mirror. "I'm not a fashion model for nothing," she retorted, her pride evident in her smile. "Now go get her, do us proud. Just remember, spill the details later, or I'm spilling your embarrassing secrets to her." She warned as she pushed me towards the door. "Alright alright I'm going!" I exclaimed as I started to leave. "Best of lucky, buddy! You owe me one," Ganke chimed in, sealing his words with a fist bump. "I wish you the best of luck my friend!" Pavitr's well wishes echoed as I bolted from the room. Despite their... unique tendencies, I couldn't deny that they were, indeed, the friends I was lucky to have.

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