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Over the next few weeks, our routine remained remarkably consistent. It revolved around a perpetual cycle that alternated between intensive training under Peter's guidance,


"You have to learn to be stealthy as Spider-Man," Peter lectured as he walked through the intricately designed recreation of an urban environment in the training room. "As much as possible, we want to go in and out quietly without anyone noticing." His words filled the room as he patrolled the area, his sharp eyes scanning for any sign of me and Gwen. I struggled to find a suitable hiding place and ended up wedged in a corner I stumbled upon, my heart pounding in my chest. Peter's footsteps drew nearer, and his voice became more distinct as he approached, urging me to press my hand against my mouth to stifle my nervous breaths. "Found you!" he exclaimed, his voice resonating through the room. Confusion etched across his face as he scratched his head, unable to locate me. Little did he know; I was practically right in front of him. It was a baffling revelation: Peter couldn't see me. I watched in astonishment as he wandered off to a different area. What the.. he can't see me? I thought to myself as Peter walked off to a different room. 

— Gwen slipped into my hiding spot through a nearby vent, visibly relieved. "Man, Peter is really giving it his all, huh," she said, catching her breath and wiping sweat from her forehead. Upon seeing Gwen, a mischievous idea popped into my mind. I moved silently behind her, waiting for the right moment. She was unaware, momentarily distracted. Suddenly, I grabbed her shoulders and let out a spirited scream, "AGH!" Gwen shrieked, losing her balance and tumbling forward onto the floor. She quickly scrambled away from me, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Miles, you dummy!" Gwen's annoyed voice filled the room as I tried my best to suppress my amusement, all while observing myself phase in and out of invisibility. "I hear you!" Peter's voice suddenly reached our ears. My laughter faded, and a sense of panic washed over me as I heard him running down the hallway. "Oh crap," I muttered, my body vanishing into invisibility once more. "Wait! That's not fair-" Gwen's protest was interrupted as Peter entered the room and spotted her. "Sorry, Gwen, but it seems like Miles wins today," Peter declared. "What? But that's so not fair!" Gwen pouted, folding her arms in anger. "The game's the game, Gwen," I replied, still maintaining my invisibility to avoid invoking her wrath at that moment. "I'm soooo getting you back for this!" Gwen exclaimed, her temper flaring as she stormed out of the room, vowing revenge.


Combat practice with Ham and Noir,


"Where do you keep getting these hammers!" I exclaimed in exasperation as I sprinted away from the bipedal pig wielding a comically oversized hammer, which seemed to materialize out of thin air. My voice wavered between frustration and confusion, trying to understand the chaos unfolding around me. "Don't question it. Just focus, Miles," Noir replied in his usual no-nonsense tone. He leaped ahead of me, intercepting the relentless pig's charge and engaging it in a gritty hand-to-hand combat. "I'm trying to focus, but..." I began, struggling to articulate my ongoing bewilderment as I watched the surreal battle between Noir and Ham. Their bizarre weaponry and antics were almost too much to handle. "You're making it hard!" I exclaimed, frustrated by the sheer absurdity of the situation. Suddenly, an opportunity presented itself, and I seized it, launching a surprise attack. I threw a punch at Noir while simultaneously delivering a powerful kick to Ham, unknowingly sending an electrifying shockwave through the pair. "Wow! I'm sorry, are you guys all right?" I asked with genuine concern, hurrying over to check their conditions. "I'll live," Noir groaned, rising from the floor with an air of nonchalance as he dusted himself off. Ham, on the other hand, responded in his typical jovial manner, "You nearly turned me into dinner!" He made light of his near-electrocution, his comically animated appearance making the encounter seem more like a cartoon than reality. "That was good, Miles. Let's go one last round," Noir suggested as he cracked his neck, his determined demeanor intact. His readiness for more action was palpable. "Time to turn it up a notch, kid!" Ham exclaimed as he produced a cartoonishly exaggerated chainsaw, leaving me to mutter, "You've got to be kidding me..." in response to the sheer absurdity of the situation.

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