Mystery girl

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"Alright lover boy we got our food, get on with it" Gayatri hurriedly probed as we all sat down with our trays.

"Umm..You know, I personally feel, that it's a breach of her privacy by me telling you this information. So I just shouldn't, and we can talk about something else!" I reasoned trying to avoid the topic. "Nice try Morales, now come on spit it out already! We won't let this go." Gayatri exclaimed with Ganke and Pavitr both nodding in agreement. Unable to get away from this situation I just accept my fate and take a deep breath to prepare myself. "Her name's Gwen Stacy, she's new here." "Oohhh~!" the 3 of them mocked in unison. "You got a picture of the lady in question?" Ganke asked with a huge grin across his face. "Pfft What? Of course not.." I replied remembering the drawing I made. "Oh no you have something alright, show it to us or I'll sick Pavitr on you again." Gayatri threatened sensing that I was hiding something, I was thinking of calling her bluff but I could see Pavitr gesturing towards me with his arms which scared me enough to disregard that thought. "OKAY OKAY I YIELD, I just ask that you don't judge me too much okay?" I pleaded raising my hands in defeat, I slowly lowered my hands into my bag to pull out my drawing book and pass it to Gayatri for them to see. "Here, it's in there." Lowering my head trying to not make eye contact as they leaned towards Gayatri to get a better view of the book seemingly confused as to why I'm passing them my drawing book.

"Miles this is..." I perk up my head slightly as Gayatri begins to speak, "Creepy..." Ganke chimed in. "OW! Not cool Gayatri!" Ganke shouted in pain after being swiftly slapped across the top of his head by Gayatri. "Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, Miles this is-" "MILES THIS IS AMAZING! I cannot believe you drew something this incredible!" Pavitr exclaimed cutting off Gayatri hurriedly giving me another bear hug before promptly letting me go.

"Hey he didn't get slapped on the head for interrupting you!" Ganke whined. "He was nice while you weren't." Gayatri retorted back at Ganke sighing. "I was joking jeez" Ganke replied as he rubbed the spot he was hit. "But seriously though Miles this is really good, like really REALLY good. I've seen your stuff before but nothing was comparable to this level of detail." Ganke spoke as he looked at the drawing again. "I have to agree with Ganke here, bad news Miles but you've fallen mega hard for this girl and there's simply no denying that fact." Gayatri commented patting me on the shoulder passing me back the book.

"Guys, it's not like that! I just find her cool... and want to get to know her more, as friends." Emphasizing the 'as friends' to them. The three of them just stared at me raising their eyebrow judging me, "Suree~" Ganke replied. "So anyway tell us more about this girl!!" Pavitr exclaimed excitedly. "Well there's not much to say cause I didn't really get a chance to ask..." "So what do~, you know abt her?" Gayatri asked. "Umm I know she's really funny and that she likes my sense of humor!" I answer, explaining what I meant, talking about the joke I made during class and note she passed me after.

— After I was done explaining I looked to see the 3 of them staring at me blankly food dropping off Pavitr's spoon back onto the tray as Gayatri pinched between her eyebrows, "So let me get this straight, you essentially fell for this girl-" "Want to be friends." I corrected. Gayatri rolled her eyes correcting herself, "fine, you essentially wanted to be 'friends' with this girl-" Heavily air quoting friends sarcastically causing me to roll my eyes in return, "as you thought she felt familiar, found her cute, laughed at your lame joke-" "It was a good joke" I cut in, but Gayatri ignored me and continued speaking. "And she passed you a funny note with her phone number on it and you guys texted for a couple minutes which included you asking her to join us for lunch and her declining. Did I get that right?" "Well if you boil it down like that you're definitely going to miss a few key details but yes that's the gist of it."

"But Miles, you clearly li-" Pavitr answered as Gayatri suddenly shoved a spoonful of food into his mouth. Gayatri and Ganke quickly spun Pavitr away from me and begun talking amongst themselves, only being able to vaguely here some bits of their conversation. "Pavi you can't - ." Gayatri whispered. "But why - obvious" Pavitr replied in a hush tone. "No he clearly - what's he's feeling so - to figure it out himself" Gayatri whispered back. "It's - too early to tell what's going to happen - girl - need - support him." Ganke replied also in a quiet tone.

— After what felt like hours, they gave each other a nod and finally turned back around after their little private conversation. I could only make out a few bits and pieces of their conversation so I couldn't really figure out what they were talking about, just that it was about me and they're being awfully shifty. "So... you guys gonna tell me what that was about?" I asked curious as to what they had talked about. "Oh it's nothing, right guys?" Gayatri replied as Pavitr and Ganke awkwardly nodded their heads in agreement. Okay that's definitely weird... I decided not to really question it, I knew they wouldn't give in as easily as I did and would probably hold onto that secret to their graves.

"We just want to say that we think that she sounds like a great girl~, And that we would love to meet her someday for lunch!" Gayatri said once again with the other 2 nodding their heads awkwardly in agreement. "Umm I mean that was the plan but why are you saying it like that" I ask raising my eyebrow at their sudden change of tone and awkward mannerism. "Well we just thought that it'll be nice to have another friend in our group, especially another girl I can have girl time with since I'm always with you guys." "Well I guess that's sort of a valid point" "Just give us a heads up next time alright?" "Alright alright, I'll let you guys know next time. Promise" I said raising my fist to give a group fist bump to everyone.

"Alright guys we should get going, we got like 15 minutes left so we should start making our way to our classes." Ganke commented. We quickly got up to return our trays before grabbing our bags and parting ways. We were in different classes as we were all studying different core subjects, Ganke was heavy into the sciences so I have him in some of my classes, Pavitr and Gayatri were actually studying more business and economics related subjects while I was more of a mix between the sciences and art.

— Okay let's make sure to check my schedule properly this time. I scrolled through my phone to the correct semester and saw that my next class was ethics. Damn it not the humanities. It was one of those compulsory credit modules you had to take even though it wasn't the specific curriculum we were studying. Man these types of classes are so annoying. Then suddenly an image of Gwen laughing appeared in my mind. Well maybe it might not be so bad after all.

— As I made my way to the class through the post lunch hallway, I started to run some scenarios through my head on how to greet her. Could go with a casual Hi with a wave, or maybe a how's it hanging with a fist bump? I spent the entire walk to class daydreaming on what to say, as I turned the corner for the hallway to reach the class I immediately noticed at the end of the corridor, a blonde chic girl with short hair leaning against the lockers texting on her phone. It's her! Immediately all thoughts of what to say flew out of my mind as I started sprinting down the hallway towards her.

— "Gwen!!!" I yelled down the hallway as I ran towards her. Her head poked up in confusion scanning the hallway trying to figure out where the sound came from until she spotted me, letting out a huge smile.

Wooo chapter 4 done!!!! Had a little fun with this chapter trying to play with various writing styles to portray the emotions as well as to try and make the conversations a bit more natural so let me know if you guys find that the changes are good.

The uploads these next few weeks may not be as consistent or as fast as I'm dealing with some personal issues rn but I'll do my best to write and post for you guys and gals every couple days.

Again would love to hear what you guys think of my story so far as it motivates myself to continue writing and improve my writing skills as well.
Once again stay safe everyone, thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night! 💜

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