New meetings

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— The slight hum of the bus as it drove filled the silence that hung in the air, I'm sitting next to someone but I can't make out who they are, just the vague silhouette of a young girl with beautiful blue eyes. My body seems to awkwardly move on it's own as it interacts with her, a warm feeling spreading through my body as soon as she begins speaking to me, Miles! Just the mention of my name from her sends me into a state of euphoria, the way she tucks her hair behind her ear awkwardly captivates me and the gap between her teeth giving her the most adorable smile. What is happening to me...!

Just who are you..?

Bmmph! I was suddenly awoken by something soft hitting my face. "Mijo wake up! It's your first day back to the school after your break! You gotta leave in ten to make it on time entonces, alístate!" my mum yelled as I heard her rummage through my room.

"Mamá! You know that was unnecessary!" I playfully shouted back as I sat up removing the pillow from my face, seeing my mum leave the room waving. As she left the room I laid back down on my bed staring at the ceiling unable to shake the feeling from the dream. What was with that dream, it felt so surreal... as if I had experienced it before myself.

No no way it can't be I thought shaking my head, where would I have met a girl like her? anyway it has gotta be nothing. I reasoned with myself denying the dream as I lay on my bed for a few more minutes.

— I let out a deep sigh as I get out of my bed. Come on Miles, I can't be distracted by this now, I should start getting ready for school, can't be late on the first day now can I?


— Shoot shoot shoot! Dang it Miles how could you mistake last semesters timetable for the current one's! I'm all the way at the other side of school! I cursed at myself as I ran through the hallways of Vision Academy, good news was that the halls were relatively empty so I could run like my life depended on it, bad news was that the halls were empty which meant everyone was in class already!

As I ran down the hallway I couldn't help but think about the dream from this morning again, I just couldn't get it out of my head. From a young age, I always remember my abuela telling me that our family was special and that our dreams always had purpose no matter how small or insignificant they might seem and that we just didn't know it yet until the time came. I always thought she was just pulling my leg or something but, what if she was right..

It was the first time a dream had shaken me so much and instilled such strong feelings and emotions within me that it just made me start to believe in what she had said. Problem is I don't recall talking, let alone meeting such a girl in my life! I can hardly remember her face from the dream, just her vague silhouette and baby blue eyes. I wonder if it's a premonition of something, I mean for all I know my abuela was telling the truth!

As I was stuck contemplating about my dream while taking a corner, all of a sudden my head suddenly started to throb, a tingling feeling at the base of my skull sending signals through my body as though it was yelling at me 'DANGER'. Suddenly all in one motion, my body just seemed to move on its own, leaning back and kneeling down causing me to slide across the floor with my momentum carrying me forward as something whizzed past above my face narrowly dodging it, I could feel the wind breeze past my face as it went by slamming into the lockers behind me and just as fast as it flew by my body rose back up continuing to run without losing its momentum.

— Wow okay, that's definitely new. When'd I learn how to do that. I thought to myself. As I got up I could see a couple students panicking running past me, I turned around to see that it was actually a bottle rocket that almost smacked me in the face, it seemed to be flying faster than normal, probably something the rocket science club cooked up. Honestly, I wanted to yell at them but I didn't have the time and continued running to class, grateful I didn't get knocked out cold by the rocket.

— Finally! I made it...only 15 minutes late yikes...okay it's fine just calm down and take some deep breaths before going in, you don't want to draw attention to yourself. After taking a few seconds to calm myself down I slowly creaked the front door open to peak inside, the classroom was shrouded in darkness only illuminated by the bright light being projected by the visualiser onto the screen at the front of the class, it looked like they were watching a documentary related to that head scientist lady from Alchemax, I could see Miss Calleros pacing around at the back while periodically checking her phone.

— Okay just gotta sneak in quietly and get to my seat when she isn't looking. Justtt gotta time it right. Anddd now! I quietly and quickly creaked the door open trying my best not to make a sound as I try my best to crawl under the screen so as to not get exposed by the light. As I crawl I can hear the documentary echoing through the quiet room "Countless other possibilities, there could be a universe where I am wearing red or wearing leather pants or-" I almost make it to my desk when suddenly, ztchiwoo! The sound of the documentary being paused cutting the sound causing the room to be plunged into silence as I'm being stared down by Miss Calleros from the back of the room.

"Mr. Morales moving in the dark, you're late again." I quickly get back up on my feet and reply smugly, "Well Einstein said time was relative right? Maybe...I'm not late, ma-maybe you guys are early?" After saying that I gave the teacher and class a big smile, the silence in the room was unbelievably loud and I just felt like crawling into a hole never leaving it.

But all of a sudden amidst that silence, an adorable laugh cut through the silence making my heart skip a beat as my eyes dart around the room to see who it was until finally, I spot her. Down the walkway there she was, a girl with an undercut and long wavy blond hair partially covering the side of her face, beautiful baby blue eyes and a cute button nose complimented by an adorable smile to go with it all. Looking and hearing the way she reacted to my joke made my heart flutter uncontrollably but yet at the same time I was getting this weird indescribable feeling of dejavu as if I've met her somewhere before.

— Just who are you?

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter/story and Thank You so much for reading! It's been awhile since I've written so do let me know what you guys think, I'm open to comments and criticism to help improve my writing!

Also please do checkout @sailor_bookz story as it is genuinely what inspired me to write this, so do show them some love and give their story 'love birds' a try! trust me you won't regret it.

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