Tangled threads

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"So, are you with us, kid?"


"What's going on..." I sighed, my gaze fixated on the ceiling. Miguel had lent me a room for the time being, and I'd spent the past day cooped up inside, trying to make sense of everything. Everyone seemed to be giving me some space. It seemed like everyone was giving me some space, but I couldn't help but notice that someone kept approaching my door without actually knocking, then walking away. I hadn't paid it much mind, continuing to drift into my thoughts, when finally, a definitive knock echoed through the room. I immediately sat up, calling out, "Gwen?"

"Sorry kid, not your girlfriend." a voice responded as the door swung open, revealing Peter. "Oh, hey Mister B." I greeted. "Hey, told you to call me Peter didn't I?" He reminded me. "Oh right, hey Peter." I corrected myself. "Better" he replied, closing the door behind him and joining me. "So how'd the talk with Miguel go? A lot of information to process all at once right?" he asked, chuckling as I nodded in response. "Well that's Miguel for you." he remarked with a chuckle, and the room fell into silence.

"Just so you know kid, I believe in you." Peter said, his gaze fixed straight ahead. I turned to look at him, curious about what he was about to say. "You might not remember all of it, but you really stepped up when we needed you back then," he continued, a sense of sincerity in his voice. "You helped me out of a dark place that I was in, and it's now my turn to do the same." As he spoke, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a photograph, showing it to me. "That's me and MJ, my wife," he revealed with a fond smile. "You inspired me to not be scared and to fight for our marriage. And now we're expecting," he announced, the joy evident in his words. "That's amazing! Congrats, Mister B... I mean, Peter!" I exclaimed, genuinely happy for him. "Thanks!" he replied, a warm smile on his face. "Have you thought of any names?" I asked, curious about their plans. "Well, right now, we're stuck between two names. I want to name her May after my aunt who took care of me, and MJ wants to call her Daisy, her childhood friend," he explained. As he spoke, an idea popped into my head. "This might sound a bit weird, but what about combining the two names? May, Daisy, Mayday," I suggested, thinking about how the names flowed together. "Mayday, huh? Sounds kinda cute, I like it. I'll ask MJ the next time I see her!" Peter exclaimed in excitement. After that, we settled into an awkward silence, the weight of everything that had transpired hanging in the air.

"Hey, I get that I'm in no place to say this, and I don't want to sound like a meddling old guy, but make up with Gwen, would you?" Peter asked, his voice carrying a hint of concern. hesitated for a moment before responding, still feeling the sting of betrayal from earlier. "Why? She tricked me. How do I know what was a lie or the truth all this time with her? It just suddenly feels like I don't know her anymore." Peter leaned in a bit closer, his tone gentle. "I get that, Miles, but you have to understand, it was much harder on Gwen." As he spoke, I couldn't help but remember Gwen's emotional reaction after my fight in the alley. "I've seen you guys together and there's definitely something there, trust me kid." Peter assured me, his hand resting reassuringly on my shoulder. "I'll try Peter," I replied with a faint smile, feeling a bit conflicted but willing to consider his advice. "Believe in you two, kiddos," Peter said, playfully giving me a noogie. "I just need some time to sort out my thoughts," I chuckled, appreciating his concern. "Sure, buddy," he replied, giving me a light nudge on the shoulder before leaving the room.

— I reclined on the bed, lost in thoughts of Gwen. Memories of the past few weeks, as well as fragments from my forgotten past, began to resurface in my mind. The sound of her laughter, how it brightened up the room every time she cracked a joke or teased me for some silly reason. Her laughter seemed to make her blue eyes and golden hair shimmer before my eyes. I couldn't help but reminisce about the way her smile lit up my day, that radiant and utterly adorable grin that was uniquely hers, the small gap between her teeth adding to her charm. I thought about the times she playfully led me on adventures, her mischievous smile hinting at the surprises she had in store for me. Then there were the moments when she expressed her displeasure, her lips forming a small pout, and those golden locks of hair angrily hanging over her sparkling blue eyes, creating an image that was both endearing and captivating. The pure childlike enthusiasm that emanated from her whenever we spent time together, especially during moments of excitement like when we went spray painting, was truly endearing. Moreover, Gwen's tendency to become fiercely competitive, even over the smallest of things, added an element of fun and exhilaration to everything we did. It was as if a friendly challenge could spark an entire day of laughter and playful banter. These were the qualities that made Gwen the unique and wonderful person she was. It was in those moments that Gwen's true spirit shone through. Her infectious laughter, the twinkle in her eyes, and her boundless energy were all part of what made our shared experiences so enjoyable. These were all cherished memories, and if you could turn sunshine and the joy of seeing cute animals into a person, that person would be Gwen.

— Once more, I found myself lost in thought, contemplating the weight of everything that had been thrust upon me. The repetitive knocking on the door served as a jolt back to reality. "Need something again, Peter?" I called out, my voice carrying a hint of concern. "It's Gwen," a voice answered from the other side. "Oh, come on in." I replied nervously as she opened the door. Gwen entered and settled down beside me, her eyes filled with concern. "How you feeling?" she inquired softly, her gaze searching mine for any sign of how I truly felt. "Honestly?" I began, sighing as I struggled to put my emotions into words, "I'm kind of overwhelmed by everything." Gwen offered a reassuring smile. "Just remember, you're not alone in this. We're all here for you." "Yeah, thanks," I replied, my tone colder than intended. Silence enveloped us as we sat side by side, each of us grappling with the weight of our unspoken feelings and the uncertainty of the path ahead.

"Hey," we both said simultaneously as we faced each other. Gwen gestured for me to speak first, but I hesitated. "No, you go ahead," I replied, trying to hide my nervousness. After a moment to compose herself, Gwen took a deep breath before speaking. "I just wanted to say sorry. For the whole alley thing," she began, Gwen's voice quivering slightly, her eyes welling up with tears. "I just need you to know that everything we did together were my real feelings, and I didn't lie about any of it." Tears welled up in her eyes, and she seemed to tremble with emotion. "Wow, wow, wow, calm down Gwen," I urged gently, reaching out to comfort her. She shuddered, wiping away the tears that had started to flow. "I just don't want you to leave me..."

"Gwen..." I said softly, my heart aching for her. I gently cupped her cheek and turned her face toward mine, using my thumb to wipe away the remaining tears as she quietly sniffled. My fingers caressed her cheek in a tender gesture as she leans comfortably into my hand. "I'm not mad at you," I reassured her. "I was just... hurt. The thought of everything possibly being built upon a lie was too much for me to handle." "But Peter gave me sort of a pep talk and I thought about it some more...  I realised even if the alley was fabricated, I'm willing to trust our other memories together, and that in the end, you matter to me more." Gwen nodded, sniffling but managing a small smile. We locked eyes, I saw a mixture of relief and gratitude in Gwen's gaze. As we continued to gaze into each other's eyes, the atmosphere grew charged with tension. In that moment, an inexplicable desire to kiss her suddenly surged within me. I leaned in closer, and Gwen's eyes began to close, reciprocating my actions. Our faces drew near, our breaths intermingling...

— But just as our lips were about to meet, a sudden knock on the door disrupted the moment.

"Yo kiddo, sorry to bother, but we need you for a sec in the living room," Peter's booming voice echoed from the doorway, startling both me and Gwen. I gave Gwen an apologetic glance. "Alright, be right there!" I called out, reluctantly pulling back from Gwen. My face was completely flushed with embarrassment as I made a hasty exit from the room. As I hurriedly left, I couldn't shake the feeling of the missed opportunity, a small but nagging regret that I hadn't acted on my impulse. Yet, the urgency of Peter's call left me with no choice but to leave Gwen behind, wondering what might have been. This better be important.

That's chapter 17! Hope you guys like this chapter although its a slightly shorter one than usual. Trying to get a couple chapters out faster as the progress of my chapters might take longer starting next week (I'll have to see).

Do let me know your thoughts on the chapter and whether you like it or not! I'm really having fun writing the dynamic between Gwen and Miles and because of the reveal I can FINALLY write more interaction with Peter B and the rest of the gang so look forward to that!

Once again as always, thank you so much for reading my story, hope you enjoyed it and I wish you all a wonderful day/evening! Cyaaaa!!!! 💜🖤

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